Acknowledgments - Different Resources, Different Conflicts? - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 845670524


T   had the support of several people and organizations.
Our biggest acknowledgments are to the International Development Re-
search Centre (IRDC) of Canada, wh ich nanced most of the research and made
the eldwork undertaken by the dierent authors possible. e IDRC’s funding
has also made this Eng lish translation possible. In the IDRC we have enjoyed the
unconditional and patient support of Markus Gottsbacher, to whom we would
like to express our special t hanks.
We would also like to thank the dozens of ex perts, scholars, producers, busi-
nesspeople, and government ocials who agreed to be interv iewed and allowed
us to learn about the way in which the economies of the resources u nder study
function, along with t he regional realities they are framed i n.
We further acknowledge the many inst itutions which provided us with data,
contacts in the regions where we did our eld work, and access to experts a nd
academics. ese institutions were the Universidad Autónoma of Bucaramanga
(UNAB), the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC) in
Tunja (Javier Guerrero), the Universidad EAFIT in Medellín (María Aleja ndra
González) and the Observatorio del Delito of the DIJIN s ection of the Colom-
bian National Police, in Bogotá.
At the Universidad de los Andes we received support from the oce of
the Vice-Rector for Research, the Center for the Study of Security and Drugs
(CESED) of the School of Economics and the Department of Political Science.
e Cartography Laboratory of the Universidad de los Andes prepared the
regional maps which accompany each chapter. We also thank the Politics De-
partment of the University of Californi a, Santa Cruz.
Several preliminar y versions of the chapters in this book have been present-
ed at a variety of academic forums a nd conferences, such as the International
Studies Association (ISA) in the United States, the European Consortium on
Political Research (ECPR) in Germany, the Latin American St udies Association
(LASA) in Brazil, the German I nstitute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in
Germany, Brown University in the United States, the Red para el Estudio de la
Economía Política de América Latina (REPAL), the Stockholm International
Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the Pontifícia Universidade Católica of Minas
1/04/20 4:49 p.m.

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