Conventionality Standards for Children in Conflict Zones: Colombian Case study - Núm. 35 Especial, Diciembre 2018 - Opinión jurídica - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 798538901

Conventionality Standards for Children in Conflict Zones: Colombian Case study

AutorLuiz Guilherme Conci - Konstantin Gerber
CargoProfessor of Constitutional Law and Political Science and Theory of State at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo - Consultant attorney in São Paulo
Opinión Jurídica, 17 (35) • Edición especial 2018 • pp.171-183 • ISSN (en línea): 2248-4 078
*The portugue se version of this article w ill be published by VII Fórum dos Gr upos de Pesquisa em Direito Constitucional e Teoria
do Direito.
A versão em português d este artigo será public ada no VII Foro de los Grup os de Investigación en Derec ho Constitucional
y Teoría del Derecho ( VII Fórum dos Grupo s de Pesquisa em Direito Constitu cional e Teoria do Direito).
** Professor of Constit utional Law and Politi cal Science and Theor y of State at the Pontifical Catho lic University of São Paulo
(PUC-SP), responsible for the coordi nation of the Master in Constitutional L aw and Professor at the Master in Global
Governance and Formulati on of International Public Policie s. Full Professor of Theory of St ate of the Law School at the
Faculty of Law of São Ber nardo do Campo (FDSBC). Docto ral and master’s degree in Constit utional Law (PUC-SP), with
post-doctoral studie s at the Universidad Complutense de Madr id (2013-2014). Visiting Professor at the Univer sity of Buenos
Ai res (2011 -2014), University of Bologna (2016) and University of Messina (2019). Leader of the Fundamenta l Rights
Research Group (PUC-S P). E-mail: lgaconci@hotmai Orcid:
Professor de Direito Constituc ional, Ciência Polític a e Teoria do Estado na Pont ifícia Universidad e Católica de São
Paulo (PUC-SP), coordenador d o Mestrado em Direito Constitu cional e Professor do Mestra do em Governança Global e
Formulação de Polític as Públicas Internacionais. Pr ofessor titular de Teoria do Est ado da Faculdade de Direito em São
Bernardo do Camp o (FDSBC). Tem doutorado e mestra do em Direito Constituciona l (PUC-SP) e estudos de pós -doutorado
da Universidade Compluten se de Madrid (2013-2014). Professor visitante na Universidade de B uenos Aires (2011-2014),
Universidade de Bolon ha (2016) e Messina (2019). Líder do Grupo de Pesq uisa em Direitos Fundame ntais (PUC-SP). E-mail: m
*** Consultant attorney i n São Paulo. Master’s degree a nd currently obta ining doctoral deg ree in Philosophy of L aw at
PUC-SP. Researcher at the Fundamenta l Rights Research Group. Guest Profe ssor in the courses of Constitution al Law
and International L aw of Human Rights. E-mail: Orcid: -6810
Advogado con sultor em São Paulo. Mestre e doutorando em Fil osofia do Direito na PUC-SP. Pesquisador do Grup o de
Pesquisa em Dire itos Fundamentais. Professor convid ado nos cursos de Direito Constituc ional e Direito Internacional
dos Direitos Humanos. E-mail:
Conventionality Standards for Children in Conflict Zones:
Colombian Case study*
Received: November 22nd 2018 • Approved: December 3rd 2018
Luiz Guilherme Arcaro Conci**
Konstantin Gerber***
The main objective of this paper is to identify the multilevel perspective of hu-
man rights protection for children in armed conflicts. For that, the pro persona
or pro homine principle may be applied. It consists of an interpretative instru-
ment provided by art. 29 of the American Convention of Human Rights and by
art. 41 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The present analysis tackles
distinct levels of protection, both at an international level and at the national
level in Colombia and uses the pro homine principle to resolve eventual conflicts
between the International Human Rights Law and domestic law.
Keywords: children rights; Colombia’s armed conflict; pro persona principle; con-
ventionality block.

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