La economía política de las barreras comerciales en Perú - Núm. 74, Julio 2022 - Apuntes del CENES - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 910223218

La economía política de las barreras comerciales en Perú

AutorMario Tello Pacheco
CargoPontificia Universidad Católica del Peru
Artículo de investigación Apuntes del CENES
ISSN 0 120-30 53
E -ISSN 2256 -5779
Volumen 41 - N° 74
julio - diciemb re 2022 Págs. 71 - 107
The Political Economy of
Trade Barriers in Peru
Mario Delfín Tello Pacheco *
Fecha de recepción: 11 de febrer o de 2022
Fecha de aprobación: 10 de jun io de 2022
Abstract: This paper analyzes the political economy factor s and actors that may have inuenced tr ade
instruments in Peru during the liberalizat ion period of 2001-2015 (which started in 1990 under Fujimori’s
adminis tration). The evidence suppor ts the hypothesis that Per uvian trade bar riers liberalizat ion in period
2000-2015 was led by the “Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF)”, accompanied by traditional and
diversied expor ters (that consolidated the un ilateral trade libe ralization) and by import subst itution rms
that inuen ced to some degree, and slowed dow n the rate of liberaliz ation of unilateral t rade barriers. I n
addition, the unilateral tra de liberalization wa s facilitated by the wea k role of the formal labor force a nd
liberal-or iented consumer inter est groups.
Keywords: t aris, non-tari  barriers, political ec onomy, Ministry of Economy and Fina nce, Peru.
JEL Classi cation: P16, F13
Cómo citar:
Tello Pacheco, M. (2022). The Political E conomy of Trade Ba rriers in Peru. Apunt es del Cenes, 41(74). Págs. 71 - 107.
* Ph. D. in Economics and professor in the Department of Economics at the Pontificia Universidad Católica of Peru
and in the Faculty of Economic Sciences at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos in Lima, Peru. mtello@
The Political Economy of Trade Barriers in Peru
Mario Delfín Tello Pacheco
La economía política de las barreras
comerciales en Perú
Este art ículo analiza los fa ctores y actores de la economía política que pu eden haber inu ido en los instru-
mentos comerciales en Perú durante el período de liberalización de 2001-2015 (que comenzó en 1990 bajo
la administ ración de Fujimori). El análisis y las evidencias respalda n la hipótesis de que la libera lización de
las bar reras comer ciales peru anas en el per íodo 2000-2015 fue l iderada por el el M inisterio de Economía y
Finanzas (M EF), acompañado por exportador es tradicionales y diversicados que consol idaron la liberali-
zación co mercial unil ateral, y por em presas de sus titución de imp ortacione s que inuyero n en cierto gr ado
y redujeron la t asa de velocidad del proce so de liberalización d e las barreras co merciales unilaterale s.
Además, la li beralización unilat eral del comercio fue fa cilitada por el papel d ébil de la fuerza lab oral
formal y los grup os de interés del consumidor con orient ación liberal.
Palabras clave: aranceles, barreras no a rancelarias, econom ía política, Minist erio de Economía y
Finanzas, Per ú.
Apuntes CENES Volumen 41, Número 74, ISSN 0120-3053
julio - diciembre 2022, 71 a 107
Peru’s current international trade
strategy is based upon three main set
of policies: the unilateral trade liber-
alization process; a set of bilateral and
regional preferential trade agreements
(PTA) and export promotion policies.
In period 2001-2015, such strategy was
consolidated under the institutional
trade policy f ramework built in the
1990s, led by the minister of Economy
and Finance (MEF) and accompanied
by major interest groups associated to
new economic groups, large rms, and
guild of companies. In such period, the
average of the most favored nation tari
(MFN) decreased from 13,5% in 2000
to 2,2% in 2015 (up to 2017) whereas
the share of tari lines with non-tar i
barriers (NTB) increased f rom 8,5%
in 2000 to a third of the total impor t
tari lines in 2016.
This paper analyses the political eco-
nomy factors that may have affected
the evolution of trade barriers in the
unilateral liberalization period of 2001-
2015. The political economy analysis
does suggest that despite of the power
of the ministers of the MEF, political
actors associated to large firms and
guild of companies and other external
factors had a role on shaping the trends
of taris and non-taris barriers.
Despite of the empirical approach of the
paper, in the rst section, a very brief
discussion of the theoretical literature is
outlined. The next four sections contain
the empirical analysis. Thus, second
section describes trade barriers of Peru
in period 2000-2015. Third section
develops the main hypotheses of the
paper. Fourth section uses an ad-hoc
political economy model to estimate
the role of the interests of national and
exporting companies, labor factors and
entry bar riers in the formation of trade
barriers in period 2001-2015. Section
fifth offers a su mmary of the main
results. A list of references is presented
at the end of the paper.
There are at least four broad strands of
the economic literature by which t rade
policy could be analyzed. The rst and
the one that this paper is ba sed upon, is

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