Legalización de bienes obtenidos de forma delictiva cometidos por grupos criminales organizados: Regulaciones Europeas y Ucranianas - Núm. 19, Enero 2023 - Jurídicas CUC - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 925564579

Legalización de bienes obtenidos de forma delictiva cometidos por grupos criminales organizados: Regulaciones Europeas y Ucranianas

AutorRuslan S. Orlovskyi
CargoYaroslav Mudryi National Law University. Kharkiv (Ukraine)
© The author; licensee Universidad de la Cost a - CUC.
JURÍDICA S CUC vol. 19 no. 1, pp. 197–230. January - De cember, 2023
Barranquil la. ISSN 1692-3030 I mpreso, ISSN 2389-7716 Online
JURÍ DICAS CUC, vol. 19 no. 1, pp. 197–230, January - D ecember, 2023
Legalization of criminally obtained property
committed by organized criminal groups:
European and Ukrainian standards
Legalización de bienes obtenidos
de forma delictiva cometidos por
grupos criminales organizados:
Regulaciones Europeas y Ucranianas
DOI: h ttps://doi .org/10.1798 1/juridc uc.19.1.20 23.07
Fecha de Recepción: 2022/07/22.Fecha de Aceptación: 2023/01/ 27.
Ruslan S. Orlovsk yi
Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University. Kharkiv (Ukrai ne)
For cite this article:
Orlovskyi, R. (2023). Legalization of criminally obtained property committed by organized criminal
groups: European and Ukrainian standards. Jurídicas CUC, 19(1), 197–230. DOI: http://dx.doi.
org/ 10.17981/jur idcuc .19.1.2 023 .07
The phenomenon of money laundering as a result of the
actions of criminal g roups is a negative factor in the
global development of the international community. The
need for this study is due to the increase in the scale of
such criminal acts that negatively affect the development
of the state, threatening the rule of law and secu rity of the
state in general and society in particu lar; lack of legisla-
tive and practical basis for combating this phenomenon.
and the essence of money laundering by organized crimi-
    
to combat this phenomenon in terms of European and
Ukrainia n dimensions. Several methods were used in the
study, in particular: dialectic al, system-structural, h is-
torical-legal and formal-logical. L eading research method
was comparative method, which helped to characterize
         -
tions arising from money laundering in Uk raine, Western
European countries, and the United States. T he authors
determine the national policy of Ukrai ne against crimes
committed by organized groups is cha racterized by the
obsolescence of the regulatory and legal framework, gaps
in the organization of combating such types of crimes,
     
level of cooperation of state bodies. The collected origi nal
         
continue their research and effectively counteract this
negative phenomenon.
Keywords: Crime legalization; cr iminal proceeds; corr up
tion; legal circulation; money laundering; organi zed crime
El fenómeno del blanqueo de capitales como consecuencia de la
actuación de grupos crimin ales constituye un factor negativo
que retrasa el desarrollo global de la comunidad internacional .
La necesidad de este estudio se debe al aumento de la escala de
tales actos delictivos que afectan negativamente al desa rrollo de
la nación, y amenazan direct amente a la seguridad del Estado de
Derecho, lo que evidencia falta de base regulativa para combatir
concepto y alcance del lavado de activos por parte de grupos de
crimen organizado, así como el estudio de las medidas y políticas
para combatir este fenómeno en lo que respecta a las relaciones
europea y ucraniana. Se uti lizaron métodos en el estudio, en
particular: d ialéctico, histórico-legal y el formal-lógic o. Se utilizó
también el método comparativo, que ayudó a caracterizar las
      
relaciones públicas derivadas del lavado de dinero en Ucrania,
los países de Europa Occidental y los Estados Unidos. Los
autores concluyen que la política pública de Ucrania contra los
delitos cometidos por grupos de crimen organizados se ca rac-
teriza por la obsolescencia del marco normativo y jurídic o; por
tanto, las lagunas en la organ ización de la lucha contra ese tipo
de delitos, la reducción de las unidades especiales de la policía
         
constituyen las razones principales del aumento que presenta el
blanqueo de capitales. El material empírico origina l recopilado
permitirá a los teóricos de este ca mpo continuar sus investigacio-
Palabras clave: Lega lización del delito; proce dimientos penales;
corrupción; circulación legal ; blanqueo de dinero; delincuencia
organi zada
             
Reforming the economic system often leads to both the growth of the
state’s economy and the emergence of various threats in this area and
their prevention. Among the main threats are complex and danger-
ous socio-economic phenomena: the shadow economy and especially
its criminal component, organized crime with its penetration into
the system of economic relations, corruption at all levels of govern-
money laundering. It is not the number of criminal acts, but the con-
sequences and the real threat underlie the danger of group crime. It
encroaches on government and power, infects them with corruption,
and affects the state of society, its growing scale harms the economic
process of state development, and democratization of public life.
Modern group crime, which is growing into organized crime and is
prone to endless growth, is using new opportunities to generate extra
damage to the international community (Shevtsiv, 202 2).
The problem of money laundering has become international over
the past few decades. The problem of the legalization of property
obtained by criminal means has reached the international level. The
Organization United Nations (ONU, 2011) estimates that worldwide
criminalized income has been legalized in recent years, ranging from
2% to 5% of the world gross domestic product each year, or between
$800 billion. USA is up to 2 trillion USD. Of these, according to
the World Bank, about 1-1.6 trillion USD (ONU, 2011). The United
States is being transformed into foreign jurisdictions, which are
  -
nalize them, and further put them into legal economic circulation.
Most of the assets legalized through corruption offenses will never be
returned to the affected countries due to the inability to locate them.
The international community must work together to tackle such a
negative phenomenon as money laundering, as money laundering
poses a threat to the global economy, not just to individual nations
(Toropchyn, 2020).
JURÍ DICAS CUC, vol. 19 no. 1, pp . 163–230, January - D ecember, 2023
national one. Therefore, it is assumed that the problem of money
laundering is relevant to our country. Organized crime is no longer
limited to the forced distribution of material goods and spheres of
contributes to the development of international corruption, terror-
ing, and more (Yevgenivna & Savelieva, 2021).
Legalization, in essence, is the activity of removing dirty money
from the shadow economy and integrating them into the legal sphere
of sale, loans or credit, legal business, or the shadow economy; activi-
    
activity has no national borders. The development of integration ties
barriers to the movement of funds in the international community
contributes to the laundering of money obtained by illegal activities
of criminal groups (Yevgenivna & Savelieva, 2021).
For Ukraine, the problems of combating the laundering of “dirty”
money and capital, and countering offshore business are extremely
through the banking system. In many cases, these capitals are
returned to the homeland in the form of foreign investment with
appropriate “preferential” conditions. The existence of organized
crime in Ukraine and further Ukraine’s movement towards free
economic activity in the international community make it neces-
sary to counteract the issues of the legalization of criminal proceeds
(Toropchyn, 2020).
nian standards for the legalization of property obtained by criminal
means, committed by organized criminal groups, in today’s condi-
one time, several scientists, such as Reznik and Bondarenko (2020),

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