List of Figures - A Web-Based Approach to Measure Skill Mismatches and Skills Profiles for a Developing Country - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 879445066

List of Figures

AutorJeisson Cárdenas Rubio
List of Figures
Figure 2.1. Labour market structure ........................................................................... 17
Figure 2.2. Composition of informal economy ....................................................... 19
Figure 2.3. L abour market equ ilibrium under pe rfect competition ............... 32
Figure 2.4. Labour market segmentation .................................................................. 34
Figure 3.1. Labour structure in Colombia ................................................................. 47
Figure 3.2. Participation, employment, unemployment, and informality
rate trends, 2001 -2018 ................................................................................ 47
Figure 4.1. IP traf fic by source, 2016-2021 ................................................................ 68
Figure 5.1. Job advertisement comparison between job portals .................. 104
Figure 6.1. Steps for ex tracting more value f rom
job vacancy information ............................................................................ 121
Figure 6.2. Word cloud : Frequency analysis ............................................................ 126
Figure 6.3. Word associatio n: Frequency analysi s ................................................ 127
Figure 6.4. Summary of steps c arried out to obtain the C olombian
vacancy database ......................................................................................... 145
Figure 7.1. Distribution of job pl acements by depa rtments, 201 6-2018 ..... 154
Figure 7.2 Ratio of job placement s to EAP by departm ents, 2016 -2017 ... 156
Figure 7.3. J ob placements by minimum educatio nal requirements ............ 158
Figure 7.4. Word cloud: M ost frequent job title s by job portals ..................... 160
Figure 7.5. Distribution of job placements by ma jor occupational
ISCO-08 groups ............................................................................................ 162
Figure 7.6. Jo b placements by exper ience requireme nts .................................. 173
Figure 7.7. Trends of the labour de mand by major occupational
ISCO-08 groups ............................................................................................ 178
C c

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