Mecanismo civil para prevenir y resolver conflictos de intereses en el derecho privado ruso - Núm. 17, Enero 2021 - Jurídicas CUC - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 856785950

Mecanismo civil para prevenir y resolver conflictos de intereses en el derecho privado ruso

AutorYury Alexandrovich Svirin - Anatoly Aleksandrovich Vlasov - Vladislav Petrovich Sorokin - Marina Andreevna Simanova - Catherina Aleksandrovna Kukhturskaya
CargoYury Alexandrovich Svirin. Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Department of Civil Procedural Law and Bailiff Organization Department, All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia), Member of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Fundamental Sciences (Moscow, Russia).
© The author; licensee Universidad de la Cost a - CUC.
JURÍDIC AS CUC vol. 17 no. 1, pp. 153–172. Enero - Diciembre, 2021
Barranquil la. ISSN 1692-3030 I mpreso, ISSN 2389-7716 Online
El artículo explora el mecanismo legal pa ra prevenir
y resolver conictos de intereses en el derecho civil.
En Rusia, a la prevención del conicto de intereses se
presta bastante atención en el derecho público, pero,
desafortunadamente, no hay estudios dedicados a
la investigación del conicto de intereses en el dere-
cho privado. Los autores han preparado un artículo
analítico sobre la investigación en este campo del
derecho, utilizando métodos de análisi s compara-
tivo y sistémico, síntesis, e investigación cientíca
del aparato legal «conicto de intereses en derecho
privado». El objetivo es investigar la categoría con-
icto de intereses en relación con el derecho privado,
ide nti car dó nde y en qu é circ unst anc ias oc urre n con
mayor frecuencia el conicto de i ntereses, así como
las razones determinantes del c onicto de intereses
y las formas de resolverlo. Llegando a concluir que, el
con ic to de in tere ses es un a de las pr inci pales causa s
de conictos corporativos entre los participantes en
las relaciones corporativas; y al mismo tiempo, surge
con mayor frecuencia, como consecuencia de la reali-
zación de los intereses de propiedad de las personas,
así como la posibilidad de ciertas persona a ejerzer
inuencia sobre ot ra, por ejemplo, un conicto entre
accionistas mayor itarios y minoritar ios.
Palabras clave : Conicto de intereses; conicto
legal; demandas indirectas; tr ansacción
JURÍ DICAS CUC, vol. 17 no. 1, pp 153–17 2, Enero - Diciembre, 2021
Mecanismo civil para prevenir y resolver
conictos de intereses en el derecho privado ruso
Civil Mechanism Preventing and Resolving a
Conict of Interest in the Russian Private Law
DOI: h ttps://doi .org/10.1798 1/juridc uc.17.1.2021.0 6
Fecha de Recepción: 2020/07/09 Fecha de Aceptación: 2020/12 /03
Yury Alexandrovich Svirin
All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Min istry of Justice). Moscow (Russia)
Anatoly Aleksandrovich Vlasov
The Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). Moscow ( Russia)
Vladislav Petrovich Sorokin
Academy of Labour and Social Relations. Moscow (Russia)
Marina Andreevna Simanova
Academy of Labour and Social Relations. Moscow (Russia)
advokatsimanov a@gmai
Catherina Aleksandrovna Kukhturskaya
All-Russian State University of Justice (RLA of the Min istry of Justice). Moscow (Russia)
Para citar este artículo:
Svirin, Y., Vlasov, A., Sorokin, V., Simanova, M. y Kukhturskaya, C. (2021). Mecanismo civil para
prevenir y resolver conictos de intereses en el derecho privado ruso. Jurídicas CUC, 17(1), 153–172.
DOI: h ttp://dx. .17981 /juridc uc.17.1.2021.0 6
The article studies the legal mechani sm prevent-
ing a nd resolving a conict of interest in civil
law. The Russian public law pays much att en-
tion to the prevention of competitive interests
but there are still no studies on a conict of
interest in private law. The authors have w rit-
ten this article to consider the relevant legal
studies and draw their conclusions. Methods:
The authors used the methods of comparative
and systemic analysis, synthesis and scientic
research to examine such a legal concept as a
"conict of interest in private law". The study
aims at analyzing the category of competitive
interests in relation to private law, determining
its prerequisites, reasons and possible solutions.
The authors have concluded that a conict of
interest often c auses corporate conicts a mong
parties involved in corporate relations. More-
over, th is type of co nicts arises due to the real-
ization of individual property interests and the
possibility of one person to inuence the other,
for example, a conict between majority and
minority shareholders.
Keywords: Con ict of interest; derivative actions;
legal conict; transact ion
Such a concept as a “conict of interests” is widely used outside
legal science (in particular, in conict resolution studies, econom-
ics, sociology, etc.) and public law (Svirin, Petrov, Volkova, Mat-
veeva, Gladkov & Ignatyev, 2016). However, the Russian civilist
doctrine still lacks scientic monographs on a conict of interest
in civil law.
Its legal denition is provided by many legislative acts regulating
public relations (the so-called anti-corruption legislations). Accord-
ingly, a conict of interest is a situation in which personal interests
(direct or indirect) of a person, who is lling a position and assum-
ing the obligation to take the necessary measures to prevent and
resolve conicts, affects or might affect the proper, objective and
impartial performance of their ofcial duties (the exercise of their
authorities) (Letter of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federa-
tion No. 18-0/10/P-2061, 2018). The above-mentioned denition of
this legal category contains a tautology and describes a conict of
interest through its goal-setting, i.e. resolving a conict of interest.
Howeve r, thi s denition is al so used in by-laws withi n the fra mework
of anti-corruption legislations.
Anot her lega l denition of a con ict of interest is conta ined in laws
on protecting the health of citizens (Federal Law, 2011 No. 323-FZ,
cl. 1, art. 75 (as amended on April 24, 2020). They dene it as the
contradiction between the personal interest of a medical worker (or
another person specied by law) and the interests of their patients.
The Russian Federation has developed dozens of laws that enshrine
a different view on a conict of interest but all these laws should
regulate branch-specic relations. Therefore, the above-mentioned
legal denitions are applicable for the purposes of the relevant
branch-specic laws (for instance, corruption prevention or health
care) and cannot be applied for the analysis of conicts of interest
within the framework of civil law since one of the key elements of
this denition is a special actor that is absent in the framework of
civil relations.

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