El modelo de agilidad de la fuerza laboral dependiente de los conductores, estrategias, prácticas y resultados - Núm. 37, Diciembre 2020 - Revista AD-minister - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 867463527

El modelo de agilidad de la fuerza laboral dependiente de los conductores, estrategias, prácticas y resultados

AutorHamidreza Dehghani, Alireza Rezghi Rostami, Behzad Mashali
CargoDepartment of Management, Islamic Azad University, Rudehen Branch, Rudehen, Iran/Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran/Department of Management, University of Science and Culture, Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
For the time being, organizations throughout the world are in an environment that is constantly changing
in various aspects including technological developments, customers’ preferences, emerging markets,
and globalization. In this environment, the concept of agility, especially workforce agility, is a valuable tool
for organizations and can assist them considerably to cope with this situation. Given that a substantial
number of scholars have studied the concept of agility from the technical point of view up until now, and
have neglected the human resource aspect, this study has two aims: First, to, investigate the concept of
workforce agility through a model incorporating drivers, practices, strategies advocating and stimulating
the implementation of this concept while examining the relationships between these variables; and
second, to determine the results of implementing a workforce agility system. The sample of the present
study was selected from the staff and managers of the Ports and Maritime Organization of Iran, and
namely those who had a bachelor’s degree or higher and were working in the field of human resource
management. Additionally, we used a questionnaire to evaluate the variable. According to the findings,
except for the relationship between drivers and implementation results, all other relationships between
drivers, practices, strategies, and results have been supported.
Agility, Workforce agility, Workforce agility drivers, Workforce agility strategies, Workforce agility
practices, Workforce agility implementation results
Por el momento, las organizaciones de todo el mundo se encuentran en un entorno que cambia
constantemente en varios aspectos, incluidos los desarrollos tecnológicos, las preferencias de
los clientes, los mercados emergentes y la globalización. En este entorno, el concepto de agilidad,
especialmente la agilidad de la fuerza laboral, es una herramienta valiosa para las organizaciones y
puede ayudarlas considerablemente a hacer frente a esta situación. Dado que un número sustancial
de académicos han estudiado el concepto de agilidad desde el punto de vista técnico hasta ahora, y
han descuidado el aspecto de recursos humanos, este estudio tiene como objetivo, en primer lugar,
investigar el concepto de agilidad de la fuerza laboral a través de un modelo que incorpora impulsores,
prácticas, estrategias que propugnan y estimulan la implementación de este concepto y examinan las
relaciones entre estas variables y, en segundo lugar, determinan los resultados de la implementación
del sistema de agilidad laboral. La muestra del presente estudio fue seleccionada entre el personal y los
gerentes de la Organización de Puertos y Marítima de Irán, que tenían una licenciatura o un título superior
y trabajaban en el campo de la gestión de recursos humanos. Además, utilizamos un cuestionario para
JEL: M, F, L
Received: 14/08/2020
Modified: 30/08/2020
Accepted: 15/12/2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.17230/
1 Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, Rudehen Branch, Rudehen, Iran
EMAIL: dhr4970@yahoo.com ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8750-1793
2 Department of Management, Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.
dr.alirezarezghirostami@gmail.com ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2620-9844
3 Department of Management, University of Science and Culture, Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran.
behmashali@gmail.com ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2446-1421
AD-minister Nº. 37 julio - diciembre 2020 pp. 109 - 130 · ISSN 1692-0279 · eISSN 2256-4322
Hamidreza Dehghani · Alireza Rezghi Rostami · Behzad Mashali
The model of workforce agility dependent on drivers, strategies, practices, and results
evaluar la variable. Según los hallazgos, a excepción de la relación entre los impulsores y los resultados de
la implementación, se han respaldado todas las demás relaciones entre los impulsores, las prácticas, las
estrategias y los resultados.
Agilidad, agilidad de la fuerza laboral, impulsores de la agilidad de la fuerza laboral, estrategias de agilidad de
la fuerza laboral, prácticas de agilidad de la fuerza laboral, resultados de implementación de la agilidad de la
fuerza laboral
Currently, organizations around the world are engaged in an environment where
change is a key characteristic. Rapid technological progress, globalization,
turbulent business models, novel and emerging markets, and ever-changing
customer preferences are some of the daily challenges that most organizations
ranging, from small to large, are currently coping with (Zitkiene & Deksnys, 2018).
So far, various solutions such as reengineering, networking, virtual enterprises,
modular corporations, high performing organizations, flexible manufacturing,
and employee empowerment have been proposed, and that of “agility” has been
proposed as one of them as well (Sherehiy et al., 2007). The challenges mentioned
above force organizations to follow those rules which make them more ecient
and agile in order to survive. In order to compete in the current turbulent
market environment eectively, organizations should be proactive and be able
to anticipate change. To do so, organizational structures should embrace more
levels of agility through response and flexibility. Experts in the industry require
novel organizational solutions, tools, and techniques to deal with environmental
alterations, identify new opportunities, and be more adapted to external forces. In
other words, an agile organization demands agile organizational enablers, drivers,
abilities, strategies, and practices (Deksnys, 2018).
Organizational agility, that which is the capability of quickly responding to
environmental changes through modifying products and services provided, is
gradually becoming a critical issue to achieve and maintain a sustained competitive
advantage in the fast-changing market (Singh et al., 2013; Zitkiene & Deksnys,
2018). One of the prerequisites of an agile organization is an agile workforce (Breu
et al., 2002; Muduli, 2013). According to Virchez, (2015) the characteristics of agile
organizations are grouped into five categories: strategic awareness (being aware of
the external environment along with internal priorities) a reconfigurable organization
(being able to easily redesign, rescale, realign and redeploy the processes, products,
systems, work procedures, and even business models rapidly), organizational
learning (the ability to identify an opportunity, transmitting that information, turning
it into a viable and actionable strategy, testing it, learning from the test and finally
deciding whether to develop or ignore it), flawless execution (having the ability of
both integrating processes and balancing performance in dierent time frames) and
an agile workforce (organizations that count on the capacities of their employees

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