El modelo de regulación legal de la circulación de monedas virtuales: La investigación sociológica y legal - Núm. 16, Enero 2020 - Jurídicas CUC - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 843967963

El modelo de regulación legal de la circulación de monedas virtuales: La investigación sociológica y legal

AutorNikolay Mikhailovich Artemov, Lana Lvovna Arzumanova, Alexander Alexandrovich Sitnik, Yulia Leontyevna Smirnikova, Sergey Zenin
CargoKutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) (Russian Federation)/Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) (Russian Federation)/Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) (Russian Federation)/Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) (Russian Federation)/Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL) (Russian Federation)
© The author; licensee Universidad de la Cost a - CUC.
JURÍDIC AS CUC vol. 16 no. 1, pp. 127–144. Enero - Diciembre, 2020
Barranquil la. ISSN 1692-3030 I mpreso, ISSN 2389-7716 Online
DOI: h ttps://doi .org/10.1798 1/juridc uc.16.1.20 20.05
Fecha de Recepción: 24/12/2019. Fecha de Aceptación: 22/01/2020
Nikolay Mikhailovich Artemov
Kutan Moscow State Law University (MSAL) ( Russian Federation)
Lana Lvovna Arzum anova
Kutan Moscow State Law University (MSAL) ( Russian Federation)
llarzumanova @yandex.ru
Alexander A lexandr ovich Sitnik
Kutan Moscow State Law University (MSAL) ( Russian Federation)
Yulia Leontyevna Smirnikova
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) (Russian Federation)
ulsmirni kova@rambler.ru
Sergey Zen in
Kutan Moscow State Law University (MSAL) ( Russian Federation)
zeninsergei @mail.ru
Para citar este artículo:
Artemov , N., Arzumanova, L., Sitnik, A., Smirnikova, Y & Zenin, S (2020). E l modelo de
regulación legal de la circulación de monedas virtuales: L a investigación sociológica y legal.
JURÍ DICAS CUC, 16(1). 127–144. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17981/juridcuc.16.1.2020.05
JURÍDICAS CUC, vol. 16 no. 1, pp. 127–144. Enero - Diciembre, 2020
El modelo de regulación legal de la
circulacn de monedas virtuales:
La investigación sociológica y legal
The legal regulatory model of virtual
currency circulation: A socio-legal study
El artículo considera el modelo de circulación legal de
monedas virtuales. El problema de la naturaleza legal
de las monedas virtuales sigue siendo discutible. Todo
esto causa el problema de elegi r el enfoque más ópti-
mo y efectivo para reg ular la circulación de monedas
virtuales. El artículo anali za diferentes enfoques para
determinar la naturaleza legal de las criptomonedas y la
exp erie ncia de la reg ula ción e stata l en Su iza, Jap ón, Es -
tados Unidos y China. En el ar tículo se utiliza n los mé-
todos de análisis legal, síntesis, especiales y cientícos
y el método de investigación sociológica. Como resultado
de la inves tiga ción s ociol ógic a y lega l, se hiz o evid ente la
ausencia de una estrategia unida para la regulación le-
ga l de las mon eda s v ir tua les , lo qu e af ect a s u pe rce pci ón
por los encuestados. La conclusión se basa en un análisis
comparativo de la regulación legal de la circulación de
criptomonedas en estados como Japón, Estados Unidos
y Suiza. A diferencia de estos países, China ha limitado
signicativamente el uso de criptomonedas, de hecho,
eligió prohibir las monedas virtuales. La fragmentación
de la re gulación legal exis te no solo a ni vel de vario s es-
tados, sino dentro de un estado. Esto se conrma por la
exp eri enci a de lo s Es tado s Unid os y S uiz a. Ac tua lmen te,
el sistema de regulación nacional de la circulación de
criptomonedas es más efectivo en Japón.
Palabras clave: Agentes de comercio; instrumentos -
nancieros; moneda virtual; regulación legal
The article examines a model of legal circulation of
virtual currency. The issue of the legal nature of vir-
tual currencies remains controversial. This generates
a problem of choosing the most suitable and effective
approach to regulation of vi rtual currencies circulation.
Th e art ic le ana ly ze s appr oac he s to dete rm in i ng the legal
nature of cryptocurrencies and the experience of state
regulation in Switzerland, Japan, the USA and China.
Methods of legal analysis, synthesis, specic scientic
methods, and social resea rch sur vey have been employed
in this article. As a result of the conducted socio-legal
study, it has been found that there is no uni ed strategy
of legal regulation of virtual currencies, which affects
their perception by recipients. This conclusion is based
on the com pa rat iv e ana lys is of legal regu la ti on of cry pt o -
currencies circulation in such countries as Japan, the
US A, and Swi tz erl an d. By cont ra st wi th the se coun tr ie s,
China has signic antly restricted usage of cryptocur-
rencies, actually having chosen the way of banni ng vir-
tual currencies. The inconsistency of legal regulation
can be observed not only between different countries,
but also within one state, which is proved by the situa-
tion in the USA and Switzerland. At the present time,
the system of government regulation of cryptocurrencies
circulation is the most effective in Japan.
Keywords: Brokers; consumers; nancial instruments;
legal regulation; virtual currency
Since the emergence of virtual currencies, they have become a
subject of active research ( Y li-Huumo, Ko, Choi, Park and Smo-
lander, 2016). This is no coincidence, taking into account, rst, the
unusual and even unique character of virtual currencies compared
with other nancial instruments and, second, their theoretical and
practical signicance for understanding the main trends of devel-
opment of national nancial systems. Countries face the necessity
of identication of economic and legal essence of cryptocurrencies,
identication of risks associated with their circulation and advan-
tages of their usage. In spite of the fact that in the current context
these issues are actively addressed, the general strategy has not yet
been worked out at the international level (Herrera- Joancomartí,
2015). Countries regulate or ban cryptocurrencies on the basis of
their own experimental models, which do not possess clearly de-
ned boundaries yet. In such conditions, it is necessary to carry
out comparative analysis that would allow studying both strengths
and weaknesses of different legal regulatory models applying to
The article is written from the perspective of sociology and com-
parative law and the socio-legal approach suggested by us allows
making comprehensive conclusions. The debatable character of the
subject under consideration determines the necessity of studying,
analysis, and systematization of the opinions shared by the legal
commu nity on the is sues rega rdi ng the l egal natu re of c rypto cur ren-
cies and potential risks associated with them. The above-mentioned
factors necessitate the usage of comparative legal and sociological
research methods.
Sociological survey. From December 2017 to February 2018,
207 respondents were interviewed, 123 of whom were people with
higher legal education and 84 — without a degree in law, but
studying for such a degree or working in the sphere connected

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