Referencias bibliográficas - Objetivos Nacionales - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 844435690

Referencias bibliográficas

AutorPedro Juan González Carvajal
Cargo del AutorIngeniero de Sistemas. Especialista en Gerencia Logística. Magíster en Ciencia Política. Doctor en Filosofía
Capítulo I: visión tradicional desde la administración
1. SALLENAVE, Jean Paul. “Gerencia y Planeación Estratégica”. Colombia.
Norma. 1985.
2. MAQUIAVELO, Nicolás. “El Príncipe”. Medellín. Bedout. 1982.
Capítulo II: visión desde la política
1. THUCYDIDES. History of Peloponnesian War. Penguin Classic. 1974.
2. HILL, Henry. The political testament of Cardinal Richelieu, University of
Wisconsin Press, 1964 y Belloc, Hilarie, Richelieu, Ihs Press, 2005.
3. MACHIAVELLI, Nicolo, The prince, Penguin Classics, 1999, p. 57.
4. ROUSSEAU, Jean Jaques. The Social contract, en Barker, E. (ed.), Social
contract: Essays by Locke, Hume and Rousseau, Oxford University Press,
1960, p.190.
5. Ibid., p. 190.
6. Ibid., pp. 269-270.
7. CARR EH. Nationalism and after, 1945 y Carr, E.H., The new society, 1951.
8. HIRSCHMAN, Albert O. Rival views of market society and other recent
essays, Harvard University Press, 1992.
9. MORGENTHAU, Hans. Politics among nations: the Struggles for power
and peace. Seventh edition. McGraw-Hill. Recuperado: [acceso: 15 junio de
10. WALTZ Kenneth, Theory of international politics, 1978; Waltz, Kenneth,
“Realist thought and neo realist theory”, Journal of International Affairs,
vol. 44, nº 1 (Spring 1990), pp. 21-37 y Waltz, Kenneth, “Globalization and
American power”, The National Interest, nº 5, 2000, pp. 46-56.
11. FUKUYAMA, Francis. The end of history and the last man. The Free
Press 1992.
12. OHMAE, Kenichi. The end of the nation state. The Free Press, 1995, p.60.
Objetivos Nacionales
13. LINKLATER, A. International Relations: Critical concepts in Political
Science, Routledge, 2000.
11. WENDT Alexander. “Anarchy is what states make of it”: The social
construction of power politics”. En: Linklater, A., International Relations:
Critical concepts in Political Science, Routledge, 2000; Wendt, Alexander,
Social Theory of international politics, Cambridge University Press, 1999
y Wendt, Alexander, “Collective identity formation and the international
state”, American Political Science Review, vol. 88, nº 2 (1994), pp. 384-395.
15. JERVIS, Robert. Perceptions and misperceptions in International Politics,
Princeton University Press, 1976, p. 13.
16. VOSS JF, DORSEY E. “Perceptions and International Relations”, en
Singer, Eric y Hudson, Valerie (eds.), Political Psychology and Foreign
Policy, Westview Press, 1992, p. 8.
17. JERVIS, Robert. The logic of images in International Relations, Princeton
University Press, 1970, p. 5.
18. ETHEREDGE L. Can governments learn?, Pergamon Press, 1985..S.,
19. MINISTERIO DE DEFENSA. 2010. Evolución del concepto de Interés
Nacional. Centro Superior de Estudios de la Defensa Nacional (Ceseden).
Monografías del Ceseden. Recuperado de:
20. HERRERO de CASTRO. Rubén, La realidad inventada. Plaza y Valdés,
21. Jervis, Robert. Perception and misperception in international politics, p.
22. BEACH, LR. Image theory: Decision making in personal and organizational
contexts, Wiley, 1990, pp. 4-7.
23. Ibid., p. 4.
24. VOSS y DORSEY, Ibid., p. 11.
25. ELSTER, Jon. Political psychology, Cambridge University Press, 1993, p.14.
26. HOLSTI, Ole. “Cognitive dynamics and images of the enemy” en Farrell,
John y Smith, Asa P., Image and reality in world politics, Columbia University
Press, 1968, p. 10.

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