Women in (Dis)placement: The Field of Studies on Migrations, Social Remittances, Care and Gender in Chile - Núm. 70, Octubre 2019 - Revista de Estudios Sociales - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 851632387

Women in (Dis)placement: The Field of Studies on Migrations, Social Remittances, Care and Gender in Chile

AutorMenara Lube Guizardi, Herminia Gonzálvez Torralbo
CargoPh.D. in Social Anthropology at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain/Ph.D. in Social Anthropology and Cultural Diversity at the University of Granada, Spain
Women in (Dis)placement : The Field of Studies on Migrations,
Social Remittances, Care and Gender in Chile *
Menara Lube Guizardi** – Herminia Gonzálvez Torralbo***
Received: July 5, 2018 · Accepted: November 15, 2018 · Modied: July 29, 2019
How to cite: Guizardi, Menara Lube & Herminia Gonzálvez Torralbo. 2019. “Women in (Dis)placement: The Field of Studies on Migra-
tions, Social Remittances, Care and Gender in Chile”. Revista de Estudios Sociales 70: 100-114. https://doi.org/10.7440/res70.2019.09
ABSTRACT | This article presents current perspectives on the gender approach to the study of migration in
Chile between 1990 and 2018, contextualizing it in light of international debates in the social sciences. We will
discuss how the feminization and the growth of Latin American migrations have given rise to a prolic eld
of research, as exemplied by studies conducted in central and northern Chile. We will show how the concepts of
social remittances and caregiving permeate the Chilean debate on migrant women. We conclude with reec-
tions on topics and perspectives to be incorporated into the Chilean research agenda on gender and migration.
KEYWORDS | Care; Chile; gender; migration; social remittances
Mujeres en (des)plazamiento: el campo de estudios sobre migración, remesas sociales, cuidados y género en Chile
RESUMEN | Se presenta un estado del arte sobre el enfoque de género en los estudios de la migración en Chile
entre 1990 y 2018, contextualizándolo a la luz de debates internacionales de las ciencias sociales. Abordaremos
cómo la feminización y el incremento de las migraciones latinoamericanas inauguran un prolijo campo de
investigaciones, articulado a través de estudios desarrollados en el centro y en el norte de Chile. Señalaremos
cómo los conceptos de remesas sociales y cuidados permean el debate chileno sobre las mujeres migrantes.
Finalizamos con reexiones sobre temas y perspectivas a ser incorporados en la agenda chilena de investiga-
ciones sobre género y migración.
PALABRAS CLAVE | Chile; cuidados; género; migración; remesas sociales
Mulheres em (des)locamento: o campo de estudos sobre migração, fluxos sociais, cuidados e gênero no Chile
RESUMO | Apresenta-se um estado da arte sobre a abordagem de gênero nos estudos da migração no Chile
entre 1990 e 2018, contextualizando-o à luz de debates internacionais das ciências sociais. Abordaremos como
a feminização e o aumento das migrações latino-americanas inauguram um amplo campo de pesquisas, articulado
* The authors would like to thank the Chilean National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT) for funding
the study that led to this article through Fondecyt Regular Project number 1160683: “Ser Mujer Mayor en Santiago. Organización social
de los cuidados, feminización del envejecimiento y desigualdades acumuladas” (“Being an older woman in Santiago. Social organization
of care, feminization of ageing and accumulated inequalities”), led by Herminia Gonzálvez Torralbo and Fondecyt Regular Project
number 1190056: “The Boundaries of Gender Violence: Migrant Women’s Experiences in South American Border Territories” led by
Menara Lube Guizardi.
** Ph.D. in Social Anthropology at the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. Postdoctoral Researcher at the Argentina National
Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) and the Institute for Higher Social Studies of the National University of San
Martin (IDAES-UNSAM), Argentina, and Associate Researcher at the University of Tarapacá, Chile. Latest publications: “Reflexiones
sobre el transnacionalismo familiar en territorios de frontera” (Felipe Valdebenito, Esteban Nazal & Eleonora López coauthors).
Revista Sociedad & Cultura 21 (2): 154-175, 2018; Capoeira: Etnografía de una historia transnacional entre Brasil y Madrid. Santiago:
Ediciones de la Universidad Alberto Hurtado, 2017. * menaraguizardi@yahoo.com.br
*** Ph.D. in Social Anthropology and Cultural Diversity at the University of Granada, Spain. Academic and researcher at the Central
University of Chile. Researcher in the group “Otras. Perspectivas feministas en investigación social” (“Others. Feminist perspectives in
social research”), University of Granada, Spain. Latest publications: “Care in Transnational Migration. A Category of Social and Political
Analysis.” SUR. International Journal on Human Rights 13 (24): 43-52, 2016; “Las familias transnacionales ¿una tautología? Más allá de la
dicotomía distancia/proximidad geográfica.” Polis. Revista Latinoamericana15 (43): 511-532, 2016. * herminiagonzalvez@gmail.com

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