Desempeño de las exportaciones colombianas en el sector de no combustible - Núm. 8-1, Junio 2016 - Revista Desarrollo Gerencial - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 653148277

Desempeño de las exportaciones colombianas en el sector de no combustible

AutorAna Maria Parente - Thomas Goda
CargoUniversidad Pontifica Bolivariana, School of Strategic Sciences, Medellín, Colombia - Universidad EAFIT, School of Economics and Finance, Medellín, Colombia
Ana Maria Parente2, Thomas Goda3
School of Economics and Finance, Medellín - Colombia
RECIBIDO: Agosto 02 de 2015 ACEPTADO: 
Today Colombia’s growth is strongly dependent on its fuel and mining exports, despite substantial efforts to diversify its exports af-
ter its economic liberalization. This reliance on commodity exports casts doubt on the effectiveness of its export promotion policies.
The aim of this descriptive study is to establish if Colombia’s policies during the period 1992 to 2001 nonetheless can be regarded
as relatively successful. To this end, we use a comparative approach that contrasts the export performance of Colombia in eight
non-fuel sectors with that of nine other middle-income countries from different regions. The idea behind this methodology is that
relatively successful, whereas the opposite is the case if the country’s performance was below average. The obtained results show
that Colombia was among the weakest performers, both in terms of export growth and with regard to export to GDP ratios, in all
but one of the eight sectors under study. The only sample country that consistently underperformed Colombia was Venezuela. An
sion of 2009 as those from other countries. This is especially true for manufactured goods, and machinery and transport equipment.
Keywords: Colombia; Export Promotion; Export Promotion Agencies; Trade Policy. : F13; F14; F63
Hoy en día el crecimiento económico de Colombia, depende fuertemente de las exportaciones de combustibles y minería, sin im-
busca establecer si la política de Colombia durante el periodo comprendido entre 1992 to 2001 fue exitosa, usando un enfoque
comparativo, cotejando el comportamiento de las exportaciones colombianas en ocho sectores no relacionados con energía o com-
bustibles, en nueve países de diferentes regiones con ingresos medios. Se usa esta metodología pues un desarrollo sectorial en un
sector por encima del promedio, indicaría que las políticas de promoción a las exportaciones son relativamente exitosas y el caso
contrario si las exportaciones están por debajo del promedio. Los resultados muestran que Colombia tuvo uno de los comporta-
mientos más débiles de la muestra en los ocho sectores, en ambos términos crecimiento de las exportaciones y exportaciones como
parte del PIB. El único país de la muestra que presentó un desempeño constante inferior con relación al colombiano fue Venezuela.
Adicionalmente, es importante destacar que las exportaciones Colombianas no se recuperaron tan rápido a la crisis del 2009 como
otros países de la muestra, en especial los sectores de bienes manufacturados, maquinaria y equipos de transporte. Los resultados
indican que Colombia debería replantar sus políticas de promoción a las exportaciones.
Palabras claves: Agencias de promoción a las exportaciones; Colombia; política comercial; promoción a las exportaciones.
Este artículo se puede referenciar
Parente, A. & Goda, T. (2016). Colombia’s export performance in non-fuel sectors. En Desarrollo Gerencial Revista de la Facultad
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1 Este artículo constituye un avance del proyecto de investigación “Colombia’s exports performance in non-fuel sectors”.
 
3 Universidad EAFIT, School of Economics and Finance, Medellín, Colombia. 
Desarrollo Gerencial, 8 (1) pp. 71-91 Enero-Junio 2016. ISSN: 2145-5147 (On Line). Universidad Simón Bolívar.
Barranquilla-Colombia. Contactos:
During most parts of the 20th century the coffee sector was very important for Colombia’s economy and,
on average, accounted for around 60% of its exports (Sánchez and Hernández, 2004). This picture changed
drastically after 1986, when coffee prices plummeted due to Vietnam’s entry in the market. The result was
that by 1993 the share of coffee in total goods exports dropped to around 15%, while the export share of
was partly fostered by (i) the economic liberalization policies that started at the beginning of the 1990s –
the so called apertura – and (ii) by export promotion agencies (EPAs) that had the explicit aim to help to
accelerate the export growth of non-traditional sectors (Ochoa, 1998; Sánchez and Hernández, 2004).
However, while Colombia is not any longer dependent on coffee exports14, it is heavily dependent on the
exports of oil and coal: in 2013 around 70% of its exports were related to energy and mining, while only
19% were related to industrial production (Banco de Republica, 2014). History has shown that such natural
resource based growth strategies often were not successful in the long-run (Sachs and Warner, 1995: Arezki
 
make an economy vulnerable to external price and demand shocks (Lopez; 2012).
Thus, the question arises if Colombia’s institutional efforts to diversify the country’s exports can, at
least partially, be regarded as successful. To answer this question Colombia’s export performance in eight
sectors is compared with that of nine other middle-income countries from different regions25, which have
similar characteristics and/or are known to be successful export promoter. The idea behind this comparative
    
policies in that sector were relatively successful, whereas the opposite is true if the performance was below
      
Colombia. The layout of this paper is as follows. Section two reviews the export promotion literature and
gives an overview about Colombia’s EPAs. Section three discusses the methodology and the data that are
used. Section four compares Colombia’s export performance with that of nine other middle-income coun-
Existing evidence about the success of export promotion agencies
Countries like Japan, South Korea and China have demonstrated that an export-led growth strategy can
1 The coffee sector is still important in Colombia, but it is far away from having its historical importance. In 2011 the share of coffee on total
goods exports was less than 5% and its share of GDP (less than 1%) and employment also has dropped substantially.
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Desarrollo Gerencial, 8 (1) pp. 71-91 Enero-Junio 2016. ISSN: 2145-5147 (On Line). Universidad Simón Bolívar.
Barranquilla-Colombia. Contactos:

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