Distribution Of R.L. Stevenson's Works In Russia At The Turn Of The 19Th - 20Th Centuries - Núm. Special Issue, Febrero 2017 - Quid. Investigación, Ciencia y Tecnología - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 697134949

Distribution Of R.L. Stevenson's Works In Russia At The Turn Of The 19Th - 20Th Centuries

AutorLilia Maratovna Burganova - Landysh Nurgayanovna Yuzmukhametova
CargoKazan Federal University - Kazan Federal University
QUID Nº25, pp. 135-140, julio-diciembre de 2015, ISSN: 1692-343X, Medellín-Colombia
(Recibido el 22-05-2017. Aprobado el 04-09-2017)
Lilia Maratovna Burganova
Kazan Federal University, Institute of
Interna tional Relations, History and Orienta l
Studies, Tatarsta n, Russia,
liliaburga nova04@mail.ru
Landysh Nurgayanovna Yuzmukhametova
Kazan Federal University, Institute of
Interna tional Relations, History and Orienta l
Studies, Tatarsta n, Russia
Abstract. Relevance o f the re search is due to the fact that history and ways of distribution of R. L. Stevenso n's
works in Russia were not fully explored, although the first tries to trace how people from our country could read
Stevenson's works in translation, were made in the latest fifties of the Soviet period only in a concise way, where
information in the form of bibliography was carefully arranged. After that there was a l asting period of silence.
Only today, thanks to new researches we can obtain extra knowledge about publication activity in the past. This
article aims at a thorough analysis of the material relating to publications of Scottish writer's works in Russian
print media of the past years after which certain conclusions are drawn. And these are detection of the main
spreading ways of Stevenson's works in Russia that are set out in chronological order. The leading approach to the
study of this problem is a descriptive approach. The names of the first tr anslators who playe d the key role in
popularizing Stevenson's works in Russia are also mentioned. This article can be useful for students and teachers
of Philological Faculties, and for those who are interested in Stevenson's oeuvre.
Keywords: history, journals, books, multivolumes, translation, translators.
Citar, estilo APA: Burganovna, L. & Nurgayanovna, L. (2017) Distribution of R.L. Stevenson's works in Russia at the tur n of the 19th 20th centur ies, Revista
QUID (28), 135-140.

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