Arte digital en el diseño de una imagen artística - Núm. 12-64, Abril 2023 - Amazonía Investiga - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 941265964

Arte digital en el diseño de una imagen artística

AutorVolodymyr Zabora, Karolina Kasianenko, Sv?tlana Pashukova, Zoya Alforova, Yuliia Shmehelska
CargoTeacher Department of stage direction and public holidays Faculty of theater, film and pop Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine. / Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor Department of Fine Arts and Design Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and Study Art Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Ukraine. / Senior ...
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How to Cite:
Zabora, V., Kasianenko, K., Pashukova, S., Alforova, Z., & Shmehelska, Y. (2023). Digital art in designing an artistic
image. Amazonia Investiga, 12(64), 300-305.
Digital art in designing an artistic image
El arte digital en el diseño de una imagen artística
Received: February 21, 2023 Accepted: May 12, 2023
Written by:
Volodymyr Zabora1
Karolina Kasianenko2
Svіtlana Pashukova3
Zoya Alforova4
Yuliia Shmehelska5
The research aim lies in describing new
approaches in art. The use of digital art allows
displaying an artistic image that per ceives new
ideals. The development of digital art in the era
of global digitization implies introducing several
modern tools for designing an artistic image. The
paper raises the issue of the media of digital
works, including photographic paper and canvas.
The technological and automated side of some or
all digital works is also described. T he question
of their uniqueness or singularity is raised. The
paper reveals the aesthetic aspect of a computer-
designed work, which depends primarily on the
parameters of brightness, contrast, and saturation
of the creative software used, as well as the
parameters chosen for printing. Since this aspect
is the same as for a traditional work reproduced
in printed form, from a purely artistic point of
view, a digital work can resemble a traditional
work in every way if it borrows elements from it,
such as hand-painted or digitally drawn textures.
Moreover, when traditional techniques are
combined with digital techniques, creative ways
are likely to multiply because of the variety of
techniques. Consideration is given to the use of
Teacher Department of stage direction and public holidays Faculty of theater, film and pop Kyiv National University of Culture and
Arts, Ukraine.
Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor Department of Fine Arts and Design Faculty of Ukrainian and Foreign Philology and
Study Art Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Ukraine.
Senior Lecturer, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Faculty of Arts and Fashion, Department of Digital Art,
Doctor of Arts, Professor, Head of the Department of Methodologies of Cross-Cultural Practices, Faculty of Audiovisual Arts,
Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Fine Arts, Ukraine.
Candidate of art studies, Senior Lecturer, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, St. Yevhena Konovaltsia, Ukraine.
Zabora, V., Kasianenko, K., Pashukova, S., Alforova, Z., Shmehelska, Y. / Volume 12 - Issue 64: 300-305 / April, 2023

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