Cyber-addiction psychoprophylaxis program for young generation of Ukraine - Núm. 10-40, Abril 2021 - Amazonía Investiga - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 908530520

Cyber-addiction psychoprophylaxis program for young generation of Ukraine

AutorYuliia Asieieva, Oleg Druz, Hanna Kozhyna, Inna Chernenko
CargoYuliia Asieieva, Odessa Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine. PhD, Head of the Department of General Scientific, Social and Behavioral Disciplines of the Odessa Institute of the Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine. Oleg Druz, Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head...
Volume 10 - Issue 40
/ April 2021
htt p:// www .am azon iain vest iga. inf o ISSN 23 22- 6307
Cyber-addiction psychoprophylaxis program for young generation of
Програма психопрофілактики кіберзалежності для молодого покоління України
Received: March 4, 2021 Accepted: April 30, 2021
Written by:
Yuliia Asieieva3
Oleg Druz4
Hanna Kozhyna5
Inna Chernenko6
In the work the authors provides a statistical
analysis of the problem, considers possible
measures for the prevention and corr ection of
cyber addictions among the younger generation.
Proposed: a scheme of interaction in the
formation of media culture; a preventive cyber
addiction prophylaxis scheme; a number of
practical recommendations on the peculiarities of
socialization of adolescents with cyber-addiction
are described; the basic princip les of working
with cyber-addicts are highlighted. It is
emphasized that t he ways of overcoming cyber-
addictions should have a socio-psychological
direction aimed at: correc tion of behavioral
deficiencies; changing the life program so that a
person has the opportunity to satisfy his needs
focusing not on the virtual environment, but on
the surrounding reality; developing the ability to
establish constructive relationships with people
around; displacing being in cyberspace from
leading activities; normalization of emotional
response to difficult life situations.
Keywords: cyber socialization, cyberspace,
adolescents, adolescence, psychocorrection.
PhD, Head of the Department of General Scientific, Social and Behavioral Disciplines of the Odessa Institute of the Interregional
Academy of Personnel Management, Ukraine.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head psychiatrist of Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, colonel of medical service, Head of the Psychiatric
Clinic (with rooms for drug addicted) of National Military Medical Clinical Centre "Main Military Clinical Hospital" of the Ministry
of Defense of Ukraine, Ukraine.
Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Higher Education of Ukraine, PhD, M Sc, MD Head of Department of
Psychiatry, Narcology, Medical Psychology and Social Work of Kharkiv National Medical UniversityUkraine, Ukraine.
PhD, doctor of the Psychiatric Clinic (with rooms for drug-addicted) of National Military Medical Clinical Centre "Main Military
Clinical Hospital"of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Major of medical service, Ukraine.

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