Incautación de bienes: Oposición a la investigación de delitos y a la ejecución de la sentencia - Núm. 18, Enero 2022 - Jurídicas CUC - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 925563173

Incautación de bienes: Oposición a la investigación de delitos y a la ejecución de la sentencia

AutorDmitriy Aleksandrovich Ivanov, Inna Valerievna Tishutina, Yulia Lvovna Dyablova, Valeriia Valerievna Artemova, Sergey Alexandrovich Khmelev
CargoMoscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO-University). Moscow (Russian Federation) - Tula State University. Tula (Russian Federation) - Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named by V.Ya Kikot. Moscow (Russian Federation) - Moscow...
© The author; licensee Universidad de la Cost a - CUC.
JURÍDIC AS CUC vol. 18 no. 1, pp. 199–216. Enero - Diciembre, 20 22
Barranquil la. ISSN 1692-3030 I mpreso, ISSN 2389-7716 Online
JURÍ DICAS CUC, vol. 18 no. 1, pp. 199 –216, Enero - Diciembre, 2022
Seizure of property:
Counteraction to the investigation of
crimes and the execution of a sentence
Incautación de bienes:
Oposición a la investigación de delitos
y a la ejecución de la sentencia
DOI: h ttps://doi .org/10.1798 1/juridc uc.18.1.2 022.09
Fecha de Recepción: 2021/03/26. Fecha de Aceptación: 2021/11/17
Dmitriy Aleksandrovich Ivanov
Moscow State Institute of International Relations ( University) of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of the Russia n Federation (MGIMO-University). Moscow (Russia n Federation)
Inna Valerievna Tishutina
Moscow University of the Ministry of Interna l Affairs of Russia named by V.Ya Kikot.
Moscow (Russian Federation)
Yulia Lvovna Dyablova
Tula State University. Tula (Russian Federation)
dyablova.yul ia@bk .ru
Valeriia Valerievna Artemova
Moscow University of the Ministry of Interna l Affairs of Russia named by V.Ya Kikot.
Moscow (Russian Federation)
Sergey Alexandrovich Khmelev
Moscow University of the Ministry of Interna l Affairs of Russia named by V.Ya Kikot.
Moscow (Russian Federation)
sergey.alex.khmelev @yandex. ru
How to cite this article:
Ivanov, D., Tishutina, I., Dyablova, Y., Artemova, V. & Khmelev, S. (2022). Seizure of property: Counteraction to the investigation
of crimes and the execution of a sentence. Jurídicas CUC, 18(1), 199–216. DOI:
The authors study the procedural, organizational, and tactica l
issues related to the seizure of property in order to overcome
the counteraction to the investigation and execution of the
sentence. The relevance of this ar ticle is conrmed by the
fact that in recent decades, the system of forms and methods
of such counteraction on behalf of suspects, accused , and
other persons tends to expand, and any gap in the procedural
regulation or organizational and tactica l support for the inves-
tigation of crimes is used for crimina l purposes. Moreover,
the authors, considering the seizure of property as a means of
overcoming the opposition to the investigation and execution
of the sentence, offer recommendations aimed at minimizing
it. The article states that the actual basis for the seizur e
of property is a set of evidence indicating that a crime has
caused determined harm, or that a suspect or accused has
committed an act that provides for the possibility of applying
property penalties. Based on the results obtained, t he authors
conclude that the seizure of property has a preventive and
interim nature, which is suppressing the intent of the suspect
(accused) aimed at concealing, selli ng, or other illegally alien-
ating property, money, securities, and other valuables in order
to avoid the seizure of these objects.
Keywords: S eizure of property; measures of procedural coer-
cion; counteraction to the investigation of crimes; counterac-
tion to the execution of a sentence
Los autores estudian las cuestiones procesales, organizativas y
tácticas relacionadas con la incautación de bienes para superar
la oposición a la investigación y la ejecución de la sentencia. La
relevancia de este artículo se con rma por el hecho de que en
las últimas décadas, el sistema de formas y métodos de dicha
oposición a favor de los sospechosos, acusados y otras personas
tiende a expandirse, y cualquier laguna en la r egulación proce-
sal o en el apoyo organizativo y táctico para la investigación de
los delitos se utiliza con nes delic tivos. Además, los autores,
considerando la incautación de bienes como un medio para
superar la oposición a la investigación y ejecución de la sen-
tencia, ofrecen recomendaciones destinadas a min imizarla. El
artículo arma que el fundamento de la incautación de bienes
implica un conjunto de pruebas conducentes a indicar que un
delito ha causado un daño determinado, o que un sospechoso
o acusado ha cometido un acto que prevé la posibilidad de
aplicación de sanciones patrimoniales. A partir de los resu l-
tados obtenidos, los autores concluyen que la incautación de
bienes tiene un carácter preventivo y cautelar, que consiste
en suprimir la intención del sospechoso (acusado) dirigida a
ocultar, vender o enajenar ilegalmente bienes, dinero, valores
y otros objeto s de valor con el n de evitar la incautación de
estos objetos.
Palabras clave: Incautación de bienes; medidas de coerción
procesal; oposición a la investigación de delitos; oposición a la
ejecución de la sentenci a
Multi-faceted and consistent activities for overcoming the opposition
to the investigation of crimes and the execution of the sentence are
carried out by the investigator, the inquirer, taking into account the
organizational aspects, systematically and tactically competently at
all stages of the preliminary investigation.
An effective procedural means of overcoming the opposition to the
investigation of crimes and the execution of a sentence is the use of
such a preventive measure of procedural coercion as the seizure of
prope r ty.
The seizure of property as a measure of procedural coercion is
applied in most developed countries both near and far abroad in rela-
tion to the Russian Federation (Kochan, 1998; Basedeo, 2009; Kelly,
2015; Nguyen, Pushkarev, Tokareva, Makeev & Shepeleva, 2021).
In the Russian legal system, the presence of problems connected
with the seizure of property is has a severe and undeniable char-
acter. It calls for a new understanding of approaches to creating a
unied mechanism for regulating such measures at the State level
and at the level of preliminary investigation bodies.
The practical application of provisions stipulated in the criminal
procedure law on the activities of the parties to criminal proceed-
ings to seize property revealed a number of problems that should be
theoretically justi ed to understand the nature of the procedural act,
the grounds to impose such a procedural coercive measure which
implies a right to crime compensation.
Monitoring of problems in law enforcement practice revealed
the need in a scientic research which would serve as a basis for
theoretic and legal provisions aimed to improve the procedure of
property seizure to guarantee effective crime investigation, crime
compensation, and enforcement of the sentence.
Thus, we can state the fact that this study is very timely and rel-
evant, since the measure of procedural coercion under study in the
form of seizure of property has a truly international legal aspect.
We believe that it will arouse interest not only among theorists and

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