Propiedades psicométricas de la version mexicana de la escala de atención plena (MAAS) - Núm. 1-2015, Enero 2015 - Psychología. Avances de la disciplina - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 644371705

Propiedades psicométricas de la version mexicana de la escala de atención plena (MAAS)

AutorEric López-Maya - María del Rocío Hernández-Pozo - Laura Méndez-Segundo - Juan Jesús Gutiérrez-García, David Araujo-Díaz - Abigail Nuñez-Gazcón - Lucía Karen Cervantes-Sampayo - Samuel Nava-Alcántara - Laura Bautista García - Britta Hölzel
CargoUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México, FES Iztacala, Tlalnepantla, Estado de México, México - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias, CRIM , Cuern avaca, Morelos, México - Instituto Politécnico Nacional, ESCOM , Zacatenco, México, D. F., México - Instituto Politécnico Nacional, ESCOM , ...
Psychometric ProPerties of the mexican version of the maas
| Psychol. av. disciP. | Bogotá, colomBia | vol. 9 | n.° 1 | P. 13-27 | enero - Junio | 2015 | issn 1900-2386 || Psychol. av. disciP. | Bogotá, colomBia | vol. 8 | N.° 1 | P. 13-22 | ENEro - JuNio | 2014 | issN 1900-2386 |
artículo dE iNvEstigaciÓN
PsychomEtric ProPErtiEs oF thE mExicaN vErsioN
oF thE miNdFul attENtioN awarENEss scalE (maas)
ProPiEdadEs Psicométricas dE la vErsioN mExicaNa dE la Escala dE
atENciÓN PlENa (maas)
eRic lópez-maya1*, 9, maRía del Rocío heRNáNdez-pozo2,3, laURa méNdez-segUNdo4, JUaN Jesús
gUtiéRRez-gaRcía4, david aRaUJo-díaz4, aBigail NUñez-gazcóN5, lUcía KaReN ceRvaNtes-sampayo5,
samUel Nava-alcáNtaRa6, laURa e. BaUtista gaRcía7, BRitta K. hölzel8
1 UNiveRsidad NacioNal aUtóNoma de méxico, fes iztacala, tlalNepaNtla, estado de méxico - méxico
2 UNiveRsidad NacioN al aUtóNoma de méxic o, ceNtRo RegioNal de iN vestigacioNes mUltidiscipli NaRias, cRim, cUe RNavaca,
moRelos - méxic o
3 UNiveRsidad NacioNal aUtóNoma de méxico, fes iztacala, pRoyecto de iNvestigacióN eN apReNdizaJe hUmaNo, tlalNepaNtla,
estado de méxico - méxico
4 iNstitUto politécNico NacioNal, escom, zacateNco, méxico, d. f. - méxico
5 UNiveRsidad NacioNal aUtóNoma de méxico, facUltad de estUdios sUpeRioRes iztacala, sUayed-psicología, tlalNepaNtla, estado
de méxico - méxico
6 iNstitUto UNiveRsitaRio caRl RogeRs, plaNtel pachUca, hidalgo - méxico
7 UNiveRsidad aUtóNoma del estado de hidalgo, facUltad de psicología, pachUca, hidalgo - méxico
8 iNstitUte foR medical psychology, chaRité UNiveRsitätsmediziN, BeRliN - geRmaNy
9iNstitUto mexicaNo de miNdfUlNess- méxico
Fecha recepcióN: 08/08/2014 • Fecha aceptacióN: 02/10/2014
Para citar este artículo: López-Maya, E., Hernández-Pozo, M., Méndez-Segundo, L., Gutiérrez-García, J., Araujo-Díaz, D., Nuñez-
Gazcón, A., Hölzel, B. (2015). Psychometric properties of the Mexican version of the mindful attention awareness scale (MAAS).
Psychologia: avances de la disciplina, 9(1), 13-27.
This study presents a translation of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) into Mexican Spanish, and examines its psychometric
properties as well as its relationship with socio-demographic variables. The MAAS measures the frequency with which people experience
mindful states. A sample of N = 622 healthy adult Mexicans completed the MAAS. A smaller sub-sample (n=195) completed the Five-Facet
Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ), a well-known mindfulness measure, to obtain concur rent validity. Explorator y factor analysis (EFA)
revealed a one-factor solution, and reliability coefficients were adequate. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed adequate goodness of fit
* This article is the result of a Doctoral Research Seminar in which the first author participated under the guidance of the second author. BKH is a member
of the Doctoral committee of the first author, and also supervised the writing and analysis of the present study. LMS, JJG and DAD were responsible for
the design and maintenance of the online portal for the questionnaires. LKSC, SNA, LEBG and LEGF supported the follow-up of the participants who
completed the online questionnaires. MRHP was in charge of the general supervision of the study, as well as the supervision of the final draft and analysis.
Corresponding author. +52 1 55 4144 6347 Phone, & Fax

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