A proposed taxonomy of eliminativism - Núm. 27, Julio 2017 - Revista Co-herencia - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 699202577

A proposed taxonomy of eliminativism

AutorBernardo Pino
CargoDoctor of Philosophy, University of Sheffield. Académico Regular, Facultad de Educación, Universidad de las Américas, Chile
Revista Co-herencia Vol. 14, No 27 Julio - Diciembre de 2017, pp. 181-213. (ISSN 1794-5887 / e-ISSN 2539-1208)
In this paper, I propose a general taxonomy of diffe-
     
by exploring eliminativism from a broad perspective,
providing a comparative picture of eliminativist projects in different
        
         
The proposed taxonomy is an attempt to systematise those arguments
Eliminativism, eliminativist argument, eliminativist claim, theo-
Una propuesta de taxonomía para el eliminativismo
En este artículo, propongo una taxonomía general de
 
de una perspectiva amplia, proporcionando un cuadro comparativo
   
    -
    -
   
Palabras clave:
    -
Bernardo Pino**
A proposed taxonomy
of eliminativism*
Recibido: abril 22 de 2017 | Aceptado: junio 27 de 2017
DOI: 10.17230/co-herencia.14.27.8
* The present work de-
rives from related re-
search done during my
PhD studies at the Uni-
** Doctor of Philosophy,
 
Académico Regular,
Facultad de Educa-
ción, Universidad de
  
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-
182 A proposed taxonomy of Eliminativism
Bernardo Pino
ism is the claim that denies the existence of some type of thing in
          
into this topic is that there is extensive literature about eliminativ-
ism regarding mental states and our commonsensical understanding
scope of eliminativism is exhausted by the intricate debates about
the mind that have been taking place among philosophers and cog-
         
paper intends to take a step back and explore eliminativism from a
As we will see, people can be eliminativists about different
          
 
       
        
this does not mean to say that people holding eliminativist claims
regarding these different types of things are all eliminativists in the
       
that there are different ways of denying that there are some X’s and,
therefore, that there are different ways of being an eliminativist
In general, whereas eliminativist claims seem to be alike in that
they involve rejecting some candidate for eliminativism, there is
not just one type of argument for eliminativism that applies to all
domains are the same, while it can also be the case that there are
   -
Revista Co-herencia Vol. 14, No 27 Julio - Diciembre de 2017, pp. 181-213. (ISSN 1794-5887 / e-ISSN 2539-1208)
Eliminating demons, chairs and moral properties
lowing cases of supernatural beings, artefacts, and moral properties,
a) The case of demons
Belief in magic and the workings of supernatural beings is com-
mon to all human cultures and ascribing responsibility to demonic
sight, developmental abilities, or diseases such as epilepsy) is a com-
   
with the expansion of our reliable knowledge about the workings of
natural things in the world around us, demonic explanations have
to accept the involvement of magical or demonic causes in people’s
health and diseases at the expense of natural causes as informed by
to explain the exact causes of diseases, as well as any other natural
for instance, the following remark made by Ramsey (2013) when
The notion of a demon is just too far removed from anything we now posit
          
  
Underlying eliminativism about demons is a principle that we
may call causal exclusion    
of a particular type of phenomenon are found to have causes of a
certain kind, then there will be no causal room left for certain other
   
presumed existence is proved unnecessary for explaining natural
1 For clarity of exposition, I will focus on some paradigmatic version of the eliminativist arguments

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