Propuesta para introducir temas de gestión de riesgos de desastres en los programas de Maestría de ESAN Graduate School of Business - Núm. 28, Enero 2016 - Revista AD-minister - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 656162233

Propuesta para introducir temas de gestión de riesgos de desastres en los programas de Maestría de ESAN Graduate School of Business

AutorCecilia Dejo Esteves/Patricia Parodi Parodi
CargoPh. D. Studies in Public Policy at The Rand Graduate School, California (USA)/MBA from ESAN Graduate School of Business
Proposal to introduce Disaster Risk Management
topics in Master programs in ESAN Graduate School
of Business
Propuesta para introducir temas de gestión de riesgos de desastres en los programas de
Maestría de ESAN Graduate School of Business
JEL: I, M, Q
Received: 20/06/2016
Modified: 20/06/2016
Accepted: 25/06/2016
DOI: 10.17230/ad-minister.28.7
Creative Commons (CC BY-NC- SA)
This paper aims to explain and present a proposal to introduce Disaster Risk Management (DRM) topics
into ESAN Graduate School of Business Master’s programs. Although disasters have cost Peru more
than USD 7,600 million in the past 2 decades the business sector, particularly Small and Medium Enter-
prises, have not developed preventive or continuity plans mainly because they are not familiar with DRM
topics. Taking this into consideration, the paper presents a detailed academic/curricular proposal for
DRM topics such as business continuity, business ethics, corporate social responsibility, and sustainable
management. Additionally, it introduces the idea of promoting Disaster Risk Management (DRM) topics
to the Peruvian business community as a strategy to enhance the graduate education.
Disaster; Resilience; Risk Management; Business Schools; ESAN; Peru.
Este artículo tiene por objeto explicar y presentar una propuesta para introducir los temas de Gestión de
Riesgos de Desastres (GRD) en los programas de Maestría de ESAN. A pesar de que los costos gene-
rados por los desastres naturales en Perú suman más de 7.600 millones de dólares en las últimas dos
décadas, el sector empresarial, en particular las pequeñas y medianas empresas, no han desarrollado
planes de prevención o de continuidad. Esto se debe principalmente a que no están familiarizados con
los temas de Gestión de Riesgos de Desastres. Tomando en consideración este punto, el documento
presenta una propuesta académica y curricular detallada para temas puntuales GRD tales como conti-
nuidad de negocio, ética en los negocios, responsabilidad social corporativa y gestión sostenible. Adicio-
nalmente, introduce la idea de promover los temas de Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres en la comunidad
empresarial peruana como una estrategia para mejorar la educación de posgrado.
Desastre; resiliencia; gestión de riesgos; escuelas de negocios; ESAN; Perú.
1 Ph. D. Studies in Public Policy at The Rand Graduate School, California (USA). Director of ESAN
MBA Program and the Master in Management and Real Estate Development Institute. ESAN Graduate
School of Business. Lima, Peru. Email:
2 MBA from ESAN Graduate School of Business.Development Coordinator for Executive Education
program and MBA program. ESAN Graduate School of Business, Lima, Peru. Email: pparodi@esan.
AD-minister Nº. 28 enero-junio 2016 pp. 141 - 156 · ISSN 1692-0279 · eISSN 2256-4322
Cecilia Dejo Esteves · Patricia Parodi Parodi
Proposal to introduce Disaster Risk Management topics in Master programs in ESAN Graduate School of Business
In recent years, Disaster Risk Management has gained more importance due to the
increases both in recurrence and magnitude of natural disasters, challenging our
ability to anticipate and prevent such events. Governments have taken on a series of
commitments making Disaster Risk Management a national priority, where all de-
velopment actors assume specific functions. These actors include not only civil so-
ciety but also the private sector, which historically has contributed little eort in this
regard. Other consequences which businesses face as the result of disasters include
the eects of closure or financial distress, which in turn may impact the community
in terms of loss of jobs and unpaid debts, among others.
An important strategy which countries and civil society tend to overlook is the
importance of coordinating and collaborating with stakeholders from a wide range
of sectors and disciplines. This includes coordination among countries facing com-
mon disaster risks3.
The private sector plays an important role in building and providing for strong
resilience in the community, taking into account that more than 70% of the economic
investments made in developing countries come from the private sector (UNISDR
2013b). This may, however represent a dicult challenge for many emerging econ-
omies as small and medium-sized businesses constitute a significant part of their
economy, making them more vulnerable to disasters with less resources for resil-
ience. These businesses usually depend on a centralized market that in the case of a
disaster will be equally aected. They have less access to financial resources and the
possibility of having a Disaster Risk Management plan is limited. As a result, large
enterprises that rely on these small and medium-sized enterprises as their suppliers
of goods and services will be aected.
Enterprises in general, no matter their size, lack the incentives needed to develop
and implement a Disaster Risk Management. This lack of incentive is reinforced by
the fact that they do not see the potential cost, losses and consequences that a di-
saster can cause. To this end Business Schools provide for the possibility to engage
their professionals in the shared responsibility of ensuring continuity to the business
community in the event of the occurrence of a disaster.
ESAN Graduate School of Business was created more than 50 years ago. It is the
first academic Graduate School of Business created in the Spanish speaking world.
Founded in 1963, under an agreement between the governments of Peru and the
United States of America (through the cooperation agency USAID). Its organization
and implementation was entrusted to the Graduate School of Business of Stanford
University, California. Since its creation, ESAN has maintained a strong commitment
to train managers capable of generating change within their organizations and thus
contribute to the development of society. This commitment fulfills the objective of
introducing Disaster Risk Management in business.
3 Asian Development Bank. Operational Plan for Integrated Disaster Risk Management 2014–2020, April 2014.

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