Seguridad y protección social en el contexto de la integración europea en Ucrania - Núm. 18, Enero 2022 - Jurídicas CUC - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 925563181

Seguridad y protección social en el contexto de la integración europea en Ucrania

AutorValentyna I. Zhuravel, Oksana V. Epel, Tetyana P. Yehorova-Lutsenko, Maryna A. Didychenko, Olha A. Dyachenko
CargoValentina Zhuravel Law Office. Kyiv (Ukraine) - Sixth Administrative Court of Appeal. Kyiv (Ukraine) - Kharkiv Regional Council. Kharkiv (Ukraine) - Northern Commercial Court of Appeal. Kyiv (Ukraine) - Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Kyiv (Ukraine)
© The author; licensee Universidad de la Cost a - CUC.
JURÍDIC AS CUC vol. 18 no. 1, pp. 397–420. Janua ry - December, 2022
Barranquil la. ISSN 1692-3030 I mpreso, ISSN 2389-7716 Online
JURÍ DICAS CUC, vol. 18 no. 1, pp. 397–420, Januar y - December, 2022
Social security and protection in the context
of European integration in Ukraine
Seguridad y protección social en el contexto
de la integración europea en Ucrania
DOI: h ttps://doi .org/10.1798 1/juridc uc.18.1.2 022.16
Fecha de Recepción: 2022/02/17 Fecha de Aceptación: 2022/06/10
Valentyna I. Zhuravel
zhuravel8260 -4@
Oksana V. Epel
 
Tetyana P. Yehorova-Lutsenko
  
yehorova-lutsen ko826 0-4 .de
Maryna A. Didychenko
Olha A. Dyachenko
dyachenko82 60-4 @edu-knu .com
To cite this article
Zhuravel, V., Epel, O., Yehorova-Lutsenko, T., Didychenko, M. & Dyachen ko, O.   Social security and
protection in the context of European integration in Ukraine. Jur ídica s CUC
org/ 10.17981 /jur idcuc .18.1. 202 2.16
The processes of modern integration of Uk raine with
Europe are closely connected with cha nges not only in the
system of national legislation in terms of its adaptation to
the principles and norms of international and European
law, but also with a radical revision of the basics of legal
support in public life. One of the most important spheres
of public life is the social sphere, which is closely related
to issues of social secur ity and social protection of citizens.
From this point of view, Ukraine’s approach to European
living standards d irectly implies the improvement of the
system of state management of social protection of citizens.
The aim of the article is to ana lyze the impact of European
integration processes on the social prot ection system in
Ukraine, study the current state of soci al security and
protection in Ukrai ne, identify the main problems of social
policy in the country, suggest ways to solve our problems.
The purpose and objectives of this ar ticle, together with
its object and subject matter, predetermined the research
methodology used, which includes documentary review and
        
is the theoretical basis they form for further analysis of
the socio-political situation in Ukra ine and forecasting the
prospects of modern social development.
Keywords: European integration; international standa rds;
security system; social assistance; social policy
Los procesos de integración de Ucran ia con Europa están
estrechamente r elacionados con cambios no solo en el si stema
de legislación nacional en términos de su adaptación a los
principios y normas del derecho internacional y europeo, sino
también con una revisión radical de los fundamentos jur ídicos
en la vida pública. Una de las esferas más importantes de la
vida pública es el ámbito social que está íntimamente rela-
cionado con los temas de seguridad social y protec ción social
de los ciudadanos, desde este punto de vista, el enfoque de
Ucrania sobre el nivel de vida europeo implica di rectamente
la mejora del sistema de gestión estatal de la protección
social de los ciudadanos. El objetivo del artículo es an alizar el
impacto de los procesos de integración de Europa en el sistema
de protección social en Ucrania , estudiar el estado actual de
     
principales problemas de la política social en el país, sugeri r
formas de resolver las problemáticas sociales. El propósito y
los objetivos de este artículo, junto con su objeto y temática
predeterminaron la metodología de investigación utili zada
que incluye revisión documental y análisis crítico. L a impor-
tancia de los resultados obtenidos cosntituyen la base teórica
para un análisis más prof undo de la situación sociopolítica en
Ucrania sobre las perspectivas del desarr ollo social moderno.
Palabras clave: Integración europea ; estándares internacio-
nales; sistema de seguridad; asistencia social; política social
    
Today, globalization and integration are taking place in the world,
as a result of which the impact of international law on systems
and branches of domestic law is becoming more visible and tan-
gible. In addition, the interstate migration of the population has
recently increased, which necessitates the deepening of coopera-
tion between different levels of development and respect for the
rights and freedoms of states in the international legal regulation
There is a need to harmonize the laws of different countries on
a number of important social issues, in particular, preserving the
right of citizens to social security when moving from one country
to another or changing their place of residence. This is easy to
explain. Since the level of the state’s economic development, the
features of socio-demographic composition, and national and his-
torical traditions are the foundation for the social security system,
and it operates under the domestic law and order, it can claim to
be national. Despite the above, every state can not ignore that
social security must meet international standards in terms of its
person in the event of appropriate social risks, no matter gender,
age, or length of stay in a particular country. All this allows to talk
about the relevance of the chosen topic, especially in the context
of Ukraine’s integration with the European Union-EU and the
development of a strategy for sustainable development.
For Ukraine, European integration is a foreign policy priority.
Such a choice in favor of the development of European civilization
involves the introduction of European social standards, European
approaches to the relationship between business and government,
business and society. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out radi-
cal social and political reforms that will allow Ukraine to join the
European Union in the future. These reforms need to be goal-
 
policy of Ukraine, which will provide for the formation and provi-

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