The practice of technological deception in videoconferencing systems for distance learning and ways to counter it - Núm. 10-40, Abril 2021 - Amazonía Investiga - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 908530537

The practice of technological deception in videoconferencing systems for distance learning and ways to counter it

AutorPetr A. Ukhov, Boris A. Dmitrochenko, Anatoly V. Ryapukhin
CargoPetr A. Ukhov, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia. PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia. Boris A. Dmitrochenko, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia. Technician, Moscow Aviation Institute ...
Volume 10 - Issue 40
/ April 2021
htt p:// www .am azon iain vest iga. inf o ISSN 23 22- 6307
The practice of technological deception in videoconferencing systems
for distance learning and ways to counter it
Практика Технологического Обмана в Системах Видеоконференций при
Дистанционном Обучении и Способы Противостояния Ему
Received: February 20, 2021 Accepted: April 20, 2021
Written by:
Petr A. Ukhov59
Boris A. Dmitrochenko60
Anatoly V. Ryapukhin61
This article raises the problem of high-tech
deception using video conferencing means
during distance learning, which is of increased
relevance due to the digitalization of the
educational process, with the growth of digital
literacy of young people. The article presents
some methods of fraud, including a relatively
new technology that is very popular: Deepfake.
The article details two popular tools for replacing
faces, eac h of which prov ides step -by-step
instructions on how to create, configure and
apply in life. The organizational methods that are
presented will help teachers detect even the most
disguised forgery, including future voice
spoofing, and stop any attempt at deception. At
the end of the article, the system is described with
the help of the technologies that used to combat
deepfakes, and an assessment of the danger of
existing tools is given. The objectives of this
article are to raise public interest in the problem
of face substitution and high-tech deception in
general, to create grounds for discussing the need
to switch to a remote format of events, to broaden
the horizons of the reader and provide him with
an area for further work and research.
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia.
Technician, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia.
Senior Lecturer, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow, Russia.
www .ama zoni ain vest iga. info IS SN 2 322 - 6307
Keywords: deception, deepfake, neural
networks, machine lear ning, creating fake
More and more often, in the process of distance
learning, videoconferencing technologies are
used (Myownconference, 2019) both for
conducting classes and for control activities, as
well as co nducting exams and even defending
students' graduation papers. In the spring of
2020, in connection with the COVID-19
pandemic, the use of distance learning
technologies increased significantly, which led to
an increase in cases of deception of students and
teachers during distance classes and exams.
In terms of deception on the part of teachers, one
can note the practice of conducting automated
webinars, when a pre-recorded training video is
issued for online broadcasting, and artificial
intelligence technologies answer questions from
listeners in the webinar chat in relatio n to video
content, or include the necessary par t of the
recording depending on t he general mood of the
audience. However, this phenomenon is more
characteristic of brief events and is not yet
systemic in distance learning, therefore it will not
be considered in this work.
The most widespread technolog ies and
technological methods of deception by students
in the process of conducting distance video
lessons and during control activities. It is they
who are the object of consideration in this work.
Risks of Academic Deception
Researchers at the Institute of Education of the
Higher School of Economics (HSE, 2020) note
that to describe the phenomenon of academic
deception, one can use two theories explaining
dishonest behavior: the general theory of crime
(Gottfredson & Hirschi, 1990), in which
deception arises as a lack of impulse control
when trying to immediately r ealize desires, and
the theory of cognitive unloading (Simon, 1982),
when the st udent is inclined to reduce cognitive
stress for the purpose of which he takes actions
to deceive. Researchers consider proctoring
technology as the main way to protect against
academic fraud, allowing to conclude whether
the fact was fraudulent or not.
From the perspective of the theory o f crime, one
of the important points is the significance of the
results of control activities (including attendance
in the clas sroom) for students. Based on this, in
activities with high stakes for students, academic
cheating will be more likely to take place. So, if
attendance indicators are included in the rate, the
likelihood of deception in the process of video
lectures and webinars will significantly increase.
Based on this, it is more rational to organize the
educational process in which the rate of control
activities is reduced: for example, instead of a
large final test or exam, the organization o f a
series of events that contribute to the final grade
of the course. In addition, monitoring of
attendance at online classes in higher education
should be carried out without including it in the
course rating.
Currently, video conferencin g technologies are
widely used for conductin g classes, in particular
MS Teams and Zoom, in which the possibility of
parallel display of several students in the course
of conducting classes is i mplemented. However,
if you do not organize active feedback with
students in the process of such classes, then even
if there are windows with interlocutors, one
cannot be sure of their real presence in the class.
So, in practice, when conducting a lecture in
mathematics in an online format for 120 students,
based on the results of random control by the
teacher, it turned out that 15 students were
actually involved in the work and the rest had
simply turned on their devices and continued to
do other activities. In addition, when organizing
classes for an audience of more than 12 people, it
is very difficult to control the emotional mood of
the audience.
Technologies that make it possible to “seat”
students in a virtual classroo m are e merging
(Figure 1). For example, MS Teams technology
can accommodate up to 49 participants.
Nevertheless, further we will consider
technologies of deception of this solution and
Zoom using easy-to-install software. Therefore,
the second recommendation is to reduce the
cognitive stress of students in the course of such
classes by the dosed presentation of ed ucational
Ukhov, P.A., Dmitrochenko, B.A., Ryapukhin, A.V. / Volume 10 - Issue 40: 153-168 / April, 2021

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