The role of new registration processes in issuing of ownership document - Núm. 6-11, Julio 2017 - Amazonía Investiga - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 908535438

The role of new registration processes in issuing of ownership document

AutorShahraam Ariyan, Jamshid Mehrasa
CargoShahraam Ariyan, Islamic Azad University, Semnan , Iran Faculty member, Department of law , semnan Branch , Islamic Azad University, Semnan , Iran Jamshid Mehrasa, Islamic Azad University, Semnan , Iran Ph.D student private law , Department of law , semnan Branch , Islamic Azad University, Semnan , Iran
Encuentre este artículo en ht tp: //w ww. udl a.ed u.c o/r evi stas /in dex .ph p/am azo nia -in ves tig a ISS N 2 322 - 6 307
Artículo de investigación
The role of new registration processes in
issuing of ownership document
El papel de los nuevos procesos de registro en la emisión del documento de propiedad
O papel dos novos processos de registro na emissão de documentos de propriedade
Recibido: 9 de abril de 2017. Aceptado: 30 de mayo de 2017
Escrito por:
Shahraam Ariyan 56
Jamshid Mehrasa57
In different societies, the advancement and
growth of countries in all economic, industrial,
cultural, etc. areas has been directly related to
the extent of development in the field of modern
communication technologies, and therefore
countries are on the path to the development of
these modern sciences, and new scientific
technologies all aspects of life of the individual
and social, has set a record of popular influence.
One of the most sophisticated systems in the
world is the registration system o f each country,
which is based on legal requirements and legal
obligations, and plays an essential role in legal
health and judicial stability. W hat is of great
importance in the organization of registration of
documents and real estate, which itself is a
subdivision of the judici ary, is the registration of
the ri ghts o f indivi duals and their property, and
the registration organization from the traditional
system to the new system of cadastre with
interest the acquisitio n of advanced equipment
and is undergoing tremendous transformation in
this organization and operation of the cadastre
area, issuance of property documents for the
cadastre of land and property, the issuance and
development of electronic signatures, the launch
of an electronic inquiry system Register and E-
commerce Real Estate Transactions, Setting Up
and Enforcement of Electronic Registration
System ( Immediate ) Effect New registration
Keywords: New registration, Traditional
registration, Cadastre, Single leaf document,
Instant registration
En diferentes sociedades, el avance y
crecimiento de países en todas las á reas
económicas, industriales, culturales, etc., se ha
relacionado directamente con el grado de
desarrollo en el campo de la s tecnologías
modernas de comunicación, y por lo tanto, los
países están en el camino hacia el desarroll o de
estos las ciencias modernas y las nuevas
tecnologías ci entíficas, todos los aspectos de la
vida de los individuos y las redes sociales, han
establecido un récord de influencia popular.
Uno de los sistemas más sofis ticados del
mundo es el sistema de registro de cada país, que
se basa en requisitos legales y obligaciones
legales, y desempeña un papel esencial en la salud
legal y la estabilidad judicial. Lo que es de gran
importancia en la organización del registro de
documentos y bienes inmuebles, que a su vez es
una subdivisión de la judicatura, es el registro de
los derechos de las p ersonas y sus bienes, y la
organización de registro del sistema tradicional al
nuevo sistema de Catastro con interés en la
adquisición de equipos avanzados y está
experimentando una tremenda trans formación
en esta organización y operación del área de
catastro, emisión de documentos de propiedad
para el catastro de tierras y propi edades, la
emisión y desar rollo de firmas electrónicas, el
lanzamiento de un sistema de consulta
electrónica Registro y comercio electrónico
Transacciones inmobiliarias, es tablecimiento y
aplicación del sistema electrónico de registro
Efecto (inmediato) ¬ Nuevos registros de
Palabras clave: Nuevo registro, Registro
tradicional, Catastro, Documento de hoja única,
Registro instantáneo.
Faculty member, Department of law , semnan Branch , Islamic Azad University, Semnan , Iran
Ph.D student private law , Department of law , semnan Branch , Islamic Azad University, Semnan , Iran
Florencia, Colombia,
Vol. 6 Núm. 11
/Julio-diciembre 2017/
Encuentre este artículo en h ttp: //ww w.u dla. edu. co/r evi stas /ind ex. php/ amaz oni a-i nves tiga ISS N 23 22- 6307
Em diferentes sociedades, o avanço e crescimento dos países em todas as áreas econômicas, industriais,
culturais, etc. tem estado diretamente relacionado com a extensão do desenvolvimento no campo das
modernas tecnologias de comunicação e, portanto, os países estão no caminho para o desenvolvimento
dessas tecnologias. ciências modernas e novas tecnologias científicas todos os aspectos da vida do indivíduo
e social, estabeleceu um recorde de influência popular.
Um dos sistemas mais sofisticados do mundo é o sistema de registro de cada país, baseado em
requisitos legais e obrigações legais, e desempenha um papel essencial na saúde jurídica e na estabilidade
judicial. O que é de grande importância na organização do registro de documentos e imóveis, que em si é
uma subdivisão do Judiciário, é o registro dos direitos dos indivíduos e de suas propriedades, e a
organização do registro do sistema tradicional ao novo sistema de registro. cadastrar com interesse a
aquisição de equipamentos avançados e está passando por uma tremenda transformação nesta organização
e operação da área de cadastro, emissão de documentos de propriedade para o cadastro de terras e
propriedades, emissão e desenvolvimento de assinaturas eletrônicas, lançamento de sistema eletrônico de
averiguação Cadastro e Transações Imobiliárias de E-commerce, Implantação e Fiscalização Imediata do
Sistema de Registro Eletrônico ¬ Novos registros cadastrais.
Palavras-chave: Novo registro, Registro tradicional, Cadastro, Documento de folha única, Registro
Given the fact that the laws of the ordinary
register require the community to register their
property and documents, they can not r efuse to
register their property and property, a nd it can
not be accepted that the use of electronic
technologies is irrelevant, so i t seems tha t two
The subject of registration and electronics is one
of the issues that are interlinked from different
cultural, social, economic and industrial points,
and created many privileges and challenges.
Certainly one of the most complex The tiniest
system In the countries of the world, the
registration system of each countrt that this legal
system is based on legal requirements and duties
and plays an undeniable r ole in legal health and
judicial stability.
Organization of Registration of State Property
and Property with Background About a century,
from the oldest device The government Is.
What is of the utmost importance in the
organization itself The subtitle is the theorem It
has the right to register the rights of individuals
and their property.
Most cases in jurisdictions are subject to disputes
due to the importance of property and property
values. And given the importance of property
rights in this regard and place the Registration of
Deeds and Properties Organization of the
responsible persons in the field of ownership and
prevent misuse Probably the property of people
One of the o rganizations can say very sensitive
in the country is the organization of registration
of documents and real estate that any changes in
it. There can be very positive or negative effects
on the relaxation of individuals and society and
the impact on this organization in other organs
And institutions will be directly and i ndirectly
affected. Therefore, the registration organization
intends to move from the traditional system to
the new system of cadastre and instant filing and
single-sheet ownership documents, and will use
this equipment to use the advanced equipment
and equipment.
Property that can be as immovable property
registered in the r egistration office and have
properties registered during or after completion
of the registration reforms recorded in the office
property Subsequently, the ownership
certificate is issued and delivered by the owner
During the above process is carried out to
determine the location, size, area and other
property characteristics, so that the bystanders
are not disputed, the so-called definition and
delimitation of property boundaries Be. In
traditional record cache or d escriptive
delimitation of land just meters of land to natural
elements such as mountains, valleys, roads have
been introduced.
The legislator, in Article 156 of the enactment
law of 10/18/1/1/10, authorized the organization
to use the cadastral system, it has recently been
attempted to implement this system using the
latest mapping techniques.

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