Radicalism, Conservativism and Liberalism: Contemporary Lessons for Politics and for Political Activists - Núm. 49, Mayo 2021 - Revista Derecho del Estado - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 868014262

Radicalism, Conservativism and Liberalism: Contemporary Lessons for Politics and for Political Activists

AutorAlon Harel
CargoProfessor of Law at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Jerusalén, Israel). D. Phil. (Philosophy of Law), LL.M., Hebrew University, LL.B., Hebrew University
Radicalism, Conservativism
and Liberalism: Contemporary Lessons
for Politics and for Political Activists**
Introduction. 1. Radicalism, Conservativism and Liberalism. 2. The Egalitar-
ian Proposal and the Liberal Dilemma. Conclusion. References.
In The Legal Foundations of Inequality, Gargarella provides a sophisticated
account of the constitutional history of the Americas. The Legal Foundations
of Inequality is not merely a historical survey; it provides an analytic frame
within which the legal development in the continent of America can be un-
derstood and become intelligible. It also develops a normative critique of the
major legal and political movements and provides an alternative egalitarian
route for the future.
I was greatly enriched by reading it. Needless to say I cannot contribute
to the historical account provided by Gargarella. This essay aims therefore at
examining the contemporary relevance of Gargarella historical insights. Part
i examines the three primary movements identified by Gargarella (radicalism,
conservativism and liberalism). I try to identify and sharpen some of the
sentiments underlying these ideologies and, finally, I show that contemporary
political and legal developments can be enriched by understanding the history.
Radicalism of the 19th century can be equated with contemporary populism;
the ancesstor of 19th century conservativism is nationalism and liberalism
has retained its original name. I establish that these three ideologies are as
influential as they have been in the 19th century. I also argue that economic
interests are as important now in shaping political realities as they have been
in the history described by Gargarella. Part ii provides a normative account;
more particularly, it aims at mitigating the tension identified by Gargarella
between individual and collective self-governance.
* Professor of Law at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Jerusalén, Israel). D. Phil.
(Philosophy of Law), LL.M., Hebrew University, LL.B., Hebrew University. Contacto: alon.
harel@mail.huji.ac.il orcid: 0000-0001-5122-9508.
** Recibido el 11 de septiembre de 2020, aprobado el 26 de octubre de 2020.
Para citar el artículo: Harel, A. Radicalism, Conservativism and Liberalism: Contemporary
Lessons for Politics and for Political Activists. En Revista Derecho del Estado, Universidad
Externado de Colombia. N.º 49, mayo-agosto de 2021, 5-14.
doi: https://doi.org/10.18601/01229893.n49.02
Revista Derecho del Estado n.º 49, mayo - agosto de 2021, pp. 5-14

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