Some thoughts about barriers to access to a possible vaccine against the covid-19 - Núm. 55, Enero 2021 - Revista Con-texto - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 873359359

Some thoughts about barriers to access to a possible vaccine against the covid-19

AutorMaría Camila Gutiérrez, María José Oliveros
CargoEstudiante de quinto año de derecho de la Universidad Externado de Colombia/Estudiante de quinto año de derecho de la Universidad Externado de Colombia
con-tex tore vista de de recho y ec onomían.º 55 • enero-j unio 2021 • p p. 113-121
reGula ción, economía
y pandem ia
Some thoughts
about barriers to access
to a possible vaccine
against the covid-19
The covid-19 pandemic has caused a great impact on a global level, changing from
how people behave on a daily basis to the way the world is conceived, but it has also
affected the economy, the law and the international trade between nations. This
article is intended to analyze the possible barriers, in each of these fields, that the
future covid-19 vaccine might face either in the development, distribution and market-
ing stages; and how countries could be able to face and overcome them, in order to
guarantee the global access, including third world countries as most Latin A merican
countries like Colombia.
Keywor ds: covid-19, Vaccine, International Barriers, Intellectual Prope rty,
Access,World Trade Organization, Economy, Law, Commerce.
1 Estudiant e de quinto año de de recho de la Univers idad Exter nado de Colombia. Inter national
Litigation cour se (2019) de la Universidad Exte rnado de Colombia. Mie mbro Investigador d el
Semillero Unive rsidades Aliadas por el Acce so a Medicamentos Esenciales (U AEM).
2 Estudiant e de quinto año de de recho de la Univers idad Exter nado de Colombia. Inter national
Litigation cour se (2019) de la Universidad Exter nado de Colombia. Miembr o investigador del
Semillero Unive rsidades Aliadas por el Acce so a Medicamentos Esenciales (U AEM).
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