Fuentes de información y bibliografía - Entre la esperanza y el temor - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 850197476

Fuentes de información y bibliografía

AutorJosé Ricardo Barrero Tapias
Fuentes de información
y bibliografía
Fuentes primarias
Todos los documentos que a continuación se relacionan fueron consultados en el
sitio web de la DagHammarksjöld Library of the United Nations. Su dirección
es http: //w ww.un .or g/d epts/dh l/u dhr/m eeti ngs_1946 _nuc lear. shtm l.
E/CN.4/AC.1/3. 1947, 4 June. Drafting Committee. Draft outline of international bill
of rights, prepared by the Division on Human Rights.
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.2. 1947, 11 June. Drafting Committee. First session summary record
of the second meeting held at Lake Success. New York: UN.
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.3. 1947, 11 June. Drafting Committee. First session summary record
of the third meeting held at Lake Success. New York: UN.
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.4. 1947, 12 June. Drafting Committee. First session summary record
of the fourth meeting held at Lake Success. New York: UN.
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.5. 1947, 12 June. Drafting Committee. First session summary record
of the fth meeting held at Lake Success. New York: UN
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.6. 1947, 13 June. Drafting Committee. First session summary record
of the sixth meeting held at Lake Success. New York: UN.
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.7. 1947, 17 June. Drafting Committee First session summary record
of the seventh meeting held at Lake Success. New York: UN.
E/CN.4/AC.1/SR.8. 1947, 17 June. Drafting Committee. First session summary record
of the eighth meeting held at Lake Success. New York: UN.

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