Bibliografía - Derecho Internacional Ambiental - Libros y Revistas - VLEX 951650039


AutorDiego Uribe Vargas, Fabián Augusto Cárdenas Castañeda
I. Índice de libros
ABBOTT, Frederick M., “The NAFTA Environmental Dispute Settlement Systems as Prototype for
Regional Integration Arrangements”, en Yearbook of International Environmental Law, editado por
GÜNTHER, Handl, Graham & Trotman, London, 1993, pp. 3-29.
ABBOTT, Kenneth W., “Commentary: Privately Generated Soft Law in International Governance”, en
International Law and International Relations, Bridging Theory and Practice, editado por BIERSTEKER,
Thomas J. et al., Routledge, New York, 2006.
ABI-SAAB, Georges, “Éloge du droit assourdi: quelques réexions sur le rôle de la soft law en droit
international contemporain“, en Nouveaux itinéraires en droit. Hommage à François Rigaux, Bruxelles,
Bruylant, 1993, pp. 59-68.
ALLOT, Philip, Eunomia: A New Order for a New World, Oxford University Press, New York, 1990.
ÁLVAREZ LONDOÑO, Luis Fernando y GALÁN BARRERA, Diego Ricardo, Derecho internacional
privado, Ponticia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, 2005.
ANDRESEN, Steinar y SKJÆRSETH, Jon Birger, “Science and Technology, From Agenda Setting
to Implementation”, en The Oxford Handbook of International Environmental Law, editado por
BODANSKY, Daniel, BRUNNÉE, Jutta y HEY, Elle, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007,
pp. 182-202.
ATAPATTU, Sumudu Anopama, Emerging Principles of International Environmental Law, Transnational
Publishers, New York, 2006.
BARBOZA, julio, “The ILC and Environmental Damage”, en Harm to the Environment: The Right to
Compensation and the Assessment of Damages, editado por WETTERSTEIN, Peter, Clarendon Press,
Oxford, 1997, pp. 73-82.
Derecho InternacIonal ambIental
BEYERLIN, Ulrich, “Different types of norms in International Environmental Law. Policies, Principles
and Rules”, en The Ox3rd Handbook of International Environmental Law, editado por BODANSKY,
Daniel, BRUNNÉE, Jutta y HEY, Elle, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007, pp. 425-448.
BIRNIE, Patricia y BOYLE, Alan, International Law & the Environment, Oxford University Press, New
York, 2002.
BIRNIE, Patricia, “Legal Techniques of Settling Disputes: The ‘Soft Settlement’”, en Perestroika and
International Law, editado por BUTLER, William, Dordrecht, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1990.
BODANSKY, Daniel, BRUNNÉE, Jutta y HEY, Elle, “International Environmental Law, Mapping the
Field”, en The Oxford Handbook of International Environmental Law, editado por BODANSKY, Daniel,
BRUNNÉE, Jutta y HEY, Elle, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007, pp. 1-25.
BODANSKY, Daniel, BRUNNÉE, Jutta y HEY, Elle (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of International
Environmental Law, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007.
BOWMAN, Michael y BOYLE, Alan (Eds.), Environmental Damage in International and Comparative Law,
Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002.
BOYLE, Alan, “Codication of International Environmental Law and the International Law Commission:
Injurious Consequences Revisited”, en International Law and Sustainable Development: Past Achievements
and Future Changes, editado por BOYLE, Alan y FREESTONE, David, Oxford University Press,
Oxford, 2001, pp. 61-87.
BOYLE, Alan, “Relationship between International Environmental Law and other Branches of
International Law”, en The Oxford Handbook of International Environmental Law, editado por
BODANSKY, Daniel, BRUNNÉE, Jutta y HEY, Elle, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007, pp.
BOYLE, Alan, “Reparation for Environmental Damage in International Law: Some Preliminary
Problems”, en Environmental Damage in International and Comparative Law, editado por BOWMAN,
Michael y BOYLE, Alan, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002, pp. 17-26.
BOYLE, Alan, “Soft Law in International Law–Making”, en International Law, editado por EVANS,
Malcolm D., Second Edition, Oxford University Press, New York, 2006, pp. 141-158.
BOYLE, Alan, “Some Reections on the Relationship of Treaties and Soft law”, en Multilateral Treaty-
Making, The Current Status of Challenges to and Reforms Needed in the International Legislative Process, editado
por GOWLLAND-DEBBAS, Vera, Kluwer Law International, The Hague/Boston, 2000, pp. 25-41.
BROWNLIE, Ian, Principles of Public International Law, Sixth Edition, Oxford University Press, New York,
BRUNNÉE, Jutta, “Common Areas, Common Heritage, and Common Concern”, en The Oxford
Handbook of International Environmental Law, editado por BODANSKY, Daniel, BRUNNÉE, Jutta y
HEY, Elle, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007, pp. 550-573.
CADENA AFANADOR, Walter René, La nueva lex mercatoria. La transnacionalización del derecho, Universidad
Libre, Bogotá, 2005.
CALDWELL, Lynton Keith, International Environmental Policy and Law, Duke University Press, Durham,
NC, 1980.
CALDWELL, Lynton Keith, International Environmental Policy: Emergence and Dimensions, Duke University
Press, Durham, NC, 1984.
CASSESE, Antonio, International Law in a Divided World, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1986.
CASSESE, Antonio, International Law, Second Edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2005.
CAVELIER GAVIRIA, Germán, El régimen jurídico de los tratados internacionales en Colombia, Tercera Edición,
Editorial Legis, Bogotá, 2000.
COT, Jean Pierre, La Conciliation Internationale, Editions A. Pedone, Paris, 1968.
CRAWFORD, Cynthia, “Hard Law vs. Soft Law: Unnecessary Dichotomy?”, en International Monetary and
Financial Law upon Entering the New Millennium: a Tribute to Sir Joseph and Ruth Gold, British Institute of
International and Comparative Law, London, 2001, pp. 1433-1441.
CRAWFORD, James, The International Law Commission’s Articles on State Responsibility, Introduction: Text and
Commentaries, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002.
DE VITORIA, Francisco, De indis, 1532.
DIEZ DE VELASCO VALLEJO, Manuel, Instituciones de Derecho Internacional Público, Decimoquinta
Edición, Ed. Tecnos, Madrid, 2005.
DUNANT, Jean Henry, Un Souvenir de Solférino, publicado en 1862.
DUPUY, Pierre-Marie, “Formation of Customary International Law and General Principles”, en The
Oxford Handbook of International Environmental Law, editado por BODANSKY, Daniel, BRUNNÉE,
Jutta y HEY, Elle, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007, pp. 449-466.
DUPUY, René-Jean, “Droit déclaratoire et droit programmatoire: de la coutume sauvage à la ‘soft law’”,
en L’élaboration du droit international public. Société française pour le Droit international, Colloque de Toulouse,
Leiden, Sijthof, 1975, pp. 132-148.

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